Firstly may I just say if you don't like photos of tiles, best click the "back" button...
It's been almost nine years since I first had a wander over to Menston to try my luck at High Royds, for the umteenth time. Lady luck smiled on me that day, I had timed my visit to coincide perfectly with the first corridor demolition. For the first time an explorer had been presented with virtually walk in access to what was then the holy grail of asylum exploring!
After posting it up every asylum lover worth his salt flocked, and rightly so. Not only was there a new asylum on the scene, but it was a belter. I only ever returned once more, the following week to crack the clock. Much debate ensued as to who was first up that clock, Dweeb & Turk, or Riddlers. Well the beauty of a huge clock face (that still runs I may add) when photographed is that it time stamps your photo perfectly, proving Turk and I were first by about 4 hours
Other than digging holes in near by fields for asylum buttons and crockery I had never really been bothered about returning, however Cat had a desire to see it and so whilst up north we swung by to see how the old place was faring up.
I must say it's in surprisingly great shape after almost a decade on the scene. Some damp here and there but that had removed much of the paint that was covering up lavish Minton tiles found throughout the hospital. As you can see, I took A LOT of pictures of those tiles!! Funny really, so much of the place has been converted, but all the bits I enjoyed the most on my original visit are virtually as they were nine years ago.
It's been almost nine years since I first had a wander over to Menston to try my luck at High Royds, for the umteenth time. Lady luck smiled on me that day, I had timed my visit to coincide perfectly with the first corridor demolition. For the first time an explorer had been presented with virtually walk in access to what was then the holy grail of asylum exploring!
After posting it up every asylum lover worth his salt flocked, and rightly so. Not only was there a new asylum on the scene, but it was a belter. I only ever returned once more, the following week to crack the clock. Much debate ensued as to who was first up that clock, Dweeb & Turk, or Riddlers. Well the beauty of a huge clock face (that still runs I may add) when photographed is that it time stamps your photo perfectly, proving Turk and I were first by about 4 hours

Other than digging holes in near by fields for asylum buttons and crockery I had never really been bothered about returning, however Cat had a desire to see it and so whilst up north we swung by to see how the old place was faring up.
I must say it's in surprisingly great shape after almost a decade on the scene. Some damp here and there but that had removed much of the paint that was covering up lavish Minton tiles found throughout the hospital. As you can see, I took A LOT of pictures of those tiles!! Funny really, so much of the place has been converted, but all the bits I enjoyed the most on my original visit are virtually as they were nine years ago.