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Report - HMP Holloway - London - FEB 2019

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28DL Full Member
This was a bit of a mad one as well as a last minute decision...

Attempted this with some exploring pals at 4AM a few weeks back and had no luck as well as being shouted at and chased off by security. Bumped into a couple of fellow urbexer's in London who gave us the lowdown on how they just came away from it that morning with no problems. Shout out to @gingaurb for this one.

Having previously worked in a prison as an officer this was definitely high on my list to do. I won't go into history as it's been done several times already on here and easily found online. Although you can enjoy my little story..

After being told access, it was pretty easy. Spent a good hour or so in here.
(Half pictures are from my phone and rest are from my camera due to my camera carrier not joining us until later on in the explore ;) )
Every building was pretty similar so we took a while trying to find the pool and sports hall, however... in the process of this, 3 of us got caught by security.

The first guy was indian/asian and was quite nice. He was very calm and wanted to direct us out. Although in doing this he disappeared so we started to walk back the way we came in the opposite direction. Then another security guy caught us who wasn't as nice calling his radio team mates for "emergency first response units" ... like what ahahah. We hadn't been rude at all so I was very baffled by this?

We'd started to just walk back to leave where we got in as we didn't want to cause any trouble. They had barricaded the door we originally came in so of course we politely moved it out of the way so we could get out. Upon doing this, the security and I had a bit of a tiff informing him I work for the police so I know my rights. He asked to see my "warrant badge" which I don't own as I work for the police, I am not thee police.

During this the other two were left inside exploring the pool and sports hall... TYPICAL HAHA! We had a police helicopter arrive in search of the 5 of us and a police car out front. As we got away peacefully, we watched from a distance. Turns out police were very nice and reasonable to other two so it was a little extreme for a helicopter to come but hey-ho!

All is good, enjoy my limited pictures

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sounds like a good explore with a slightly dramatic ending! Does anyone have any plans for a return visit? I am a new poster to the forum with a little previous urbex experience. I am hoping to explore the Holloway site but would prefer to do it in a group!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sounds like a good explore with a slightly dramatic ending! Does anyone have any plans for a return visit? I am a new poster to the forum with a little previous urbex experience. I am hoping to explore the Holloway site but would prefer to do it in a group!
Me and my partner are also quite new to this. But are planning a trip there very soon if you haven’t made it there already if you have any info on how you got on would be appreciated


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good work. Security seem to have stepped up their game here now. Regular patrols around the perimeter with a dog unit. It's been sold to developers for £81.5m so I guess they want to protect their investment. The good news is they won't be starting construction for 3 years. I still think it's doable but it won't be very straight forward.
Christ that’s a hefty price tag!


28DL Member
28DL Member
I'm new to this site, but have been exploring for a few years now. Thanks so much for the awesome wrap-up on this site! Hoping to get to explore in the coming weeks if it's still accessible!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi. New to this site. Have some basic urbex experience behind me. Anyone know if this site is still active and the level of security? Been hoping to get a look at this place before it’s converted.
Hope everyone is doing well in the lockdown.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I did a 12 years sentence. Spent about two years at Holloway. A few months at the start then I spent years fighting to go back. I finished the last 18 months here. I was paroled in 2008. I was the first Cat D prisoner at HMP Holoway. I went out on license daily to study at London Met Uni and worked briefly in Holloway Rd McDonald's, however the staff refused to come out to complete the risk assessment forms so I had to quit. I had previously commuted three days a week from HMP East Sutton Park for 18 months to study drama and Access to Theatre in the Community at Clean Break in Kentish Town. I auditioned at RADA, ALRA and LAMDA and applied by UCAS to London Met to study BA Performing Arts. Once accepted I plead my case to be allowed to return to Holloway so I could attend. I was the first to go out to work or uni from Holloway. I paved the way for others. It was home to many. It's heartbreaking it closed. It was needed. Some of the staff could be evil. I was treated terribly because I attended Uni. They constantly tried to sabotage me and stitch me up with positive piss tests. I ended up being too scared and had to leave uni halfway through second year. I had no way of telling anyone on the outside what had happened. They stitched up the urine tests for all the women who got back off ROTL that day. I missed it because I was returning from Sheffield and my train became delayed. I did not dare leave again. They told me they would make sure I did not get parole. On the flip side there were also many wonderful and kind officers too. The day I returned to Holloway from HMP East Sutton Park I was driven by another prisoner (who also returned herself to Heat not long after me) As I was the first D Cat prisoner there, they wouldn't let me in at the gate. They could not believe I had made my own way there. Many times in that 18 months officers could not understand I was still Cat D. They thought I had been returned as a punishment not of my own choice. When I was finally allowed in, after sitting in the wall for hours and insisting the Governor who had agreed it all come to resolve the issue he then sent me home for three nights. I was a 'listener' for other women in there. Women in distress would send for me so they could talk. We received training from The Samaritans. I am currently writing a memoir. My prison story is totally unique. My story will also detail the events leading up to my imprisonment.
Here is one sample chapter if you are interested. I'm hoping to edit, craft and re-draft more and find a publisher. This is my most complete chapter so far. My second night of a 12 year sentence. I was 17.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just wanted to add that when I first arrived in 2002 the windows would open out and you could get air and see outside. There were hundreds, probably thousands of pigeons and everything you can imagine was thrown outside. The ground below the windows was absolutely filthy And covered in litter. The fact the windows opened out was also how the women were able to 'swing' items to other cells. We also used to use our square plastic mirrors to see each other when shouting through them to the next cell.
When I got back in 2006 they windows had been covered with ventilation grills. They let barely no air in and in summer it was oven-like and you felt like you could not breathe.
The top floor was a mother and baby unit. Women who came into jail pregnant could keep their babies for up to 18 months.
They used to push their prams around the prison.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just wanted to add that when I first arrived in 2002 the windows would open out and you could get air and see outside. There were hundreds, probably thousands of pigeons and everything you can imagine was thrown outside. The ground below the windows was absolutely filthy And covered in litter. The fact the windows opened out was also how the women were able to 'swing' items to other cells. We also used to use our square plastic mirrors to see each other when shouting through them to the next cell.
When I got back in 2006 they windows had been covered with ventilation grills. They let barely no air in and in summer it was oven-like and you felt like you could not breathe.
The top floor was a mother and baby unit. Women who came into jail pregnant could keep their babies for up to 18 months.
They used to push their prams around the prison.

Very interesting that I too have visited here & did a fair bit of research after my visit, there is some amazing stories out there along with yours.

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