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Report - - HMS Ganges, Suffolk - June 2019 | Military Sites |

Report - HMS Ganges, Suffolk - June 2019

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The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all first time posting a visit so be patient with me. Recently started exploring again after a year or so of in-activity and had the bug to get back out there again.... something i aim to keep up with to so if you explore around cambridge , Suffolk , Norfolk and fancy showing someone around let me know!

So i took advantage of great weather in Suffolk this weekend and took the short drive from Bury st Edmund's to Shotley. Recently heard of the HMS Ganges site by a work colleague so after a bit of research, and reading a few reviews of the site on here i knew i needed to check this one out...... previously been to Shotley a few times and and despite the museum i had no idea there was an abandoned facility anywhere close :banghead. Now if you havent heard of this facility before there are some better reviews with much more in depth information about the site on this website, but to be a bit plain from what i know this was a naval training facility i also think at some point police were also trained on the grounds too.

so did the usual.... used google earth to scout the area around and to look for potential entrances..... now it might be worth mentioning we were told there was security on site before hand so we picked our opportune moment..... (sunday around half 3-4Pm) our thinking was the security guard would want to bugger off for his sunday roast haha ..... and we were correct! we spent a good 2-3 hours exploring all the various buildings on site completely un-interrupted (including my favorite part the big empty swimming pool!). its worth mentioning we did NOT break in to any of these buildings nor would we if they were completely closed up but luckily for us there were plenty of entrances into nearly all of the buildings on site (its worth scouting about if you can only see padlocked doors).

now on to the explore..... 6 maybe 7 large buildings left to look around.
1. - Central Dining Hall
2. - Nelson Hall
3. - Boys Messes & CPO Messes
4. - Swimming Pool
5. - Messes?
6. - Messes?


As you can imagine most of these buildings have been cleared and are empty apart from the heavy stuff (pool plant etc). although building 1 looks to be used as some sort of store of all random toot from the other buildings. The main attraction at this site for me is the large swimming pool located in building 4. It was at this point we took a break and took to the first floor seating area around the pool to skin up in a cool place and chill out (another hobby of mine) before making our way around the rest of the buildings.


After exploring the rest of the buildings and made our way around no. 6 we found some bunkers . These bunkers looked to have had new blast type walls inside them but apart from that were completely empty! still nice to look inside though and the cool air was refreshing .


And finally before leaving we had to take a look around one of the water towers (not actually sure what they are :x )


and then the training mast on the way out


I will upload the rest of the pics once i find a decent image sharing site! (any Suggestions) ?
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grumpy sod
Regular User
I will upload the rest of the pics once i find a decent image sharing site! (any Suggestions) ?

You can upload images directly to the forum without having to worry about image hosting.

Not bad for a first go, lose the access details into the site in your post though saying how you got in is an easy way to get things sealed and is frowned upon here.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice start, as above access details out, no photos of access, add area, county, in , I see it was June 19 and thats great, I read it was Suffolk too. But if its in the title, it will come up on a search for others if titled correctly.

I really like your opening photo, and your report is great. Please keep them coming, good job, :cool::cool:

The Witness

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The rest of my pictures as promised, complete with some final destination style light fittings .... if you know what i mean































Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Perfect, nice set there. Really interesting place, these extra pics make a much fuller picture of the place, and its finer details. The boots, bottle, machines, decay etc all make lovely photos. Great job on your 1st report :thumb:thumb:thumb


Nice report bud was it you who contacted me on instagram about this place my page and channel is urbex untold? Glad you done a decent explore, security will get you at night easily but during the day your pretty safe they dont drive round the site like they used too Haha.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well done for getting this done and posted, great effort!
Ganges was a very important training establishment (HMS Ganges was orignally a Naval Vessel of course).....slowly dissapearing now....



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice report, good job! I love this place. I haven't had a proper explore during daytime yet, but I am hoping to return soon. The swimming pool has got to be my favourite part about the place and I also find that big water tower interesting.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Visited last night, security guard just seemed to sit in their car but more building or excavation around the site has started. A lot of building material is scattered around areas of the site.

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