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Report - - Hockley Palladium, Birmingham. September 2021 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Hockley Palladium, Birmingham. September 2021

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T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Visited with @Chloe Explores

Took a day trip to Birmingham with Chloe, this was the first on our list of visits. After admitting defeat with the gap in the fence that I should have been able to get through pre-lockdown had to go over the high gates. No one batted an eyelid at the pair of us.

What a beautiful place, it reminded me of our old Odeon Cinema that I used to go to as a child/teen. And also of the local theatre with the layout and even the door telling you to mind the step. It’s full of junk, lots of belts and children’s crutches. The only occupants are the pigeons although there is evidence of squatters in there.

Had a lovely uninterrupted explore through the maze of rooms and corridors taking in the nostalgia of years gone by. The floors are safe and considering some holes in the roof the building is fairing ok, some of the ornamental stuff from the ceilings are falling or have fallen down but it’s decaying nicely.

History -

Located in the Hockley district in the north of Birmingham. Originally opened on 15th November 1911 as the Hockley Picture House, it had 506 seats. It was re-built and enlarged to the plans of architect L.L. Dussault, re-opening as the New Palladium Cinema on 8th November 1922. The opening film was Isobel Elsom in "The Game of Life". The 3-storey building had a tiled mansard roof on top of its facade. Inside the auditorium, there was an elegant decorative scheme and seating was locating in stalls and circle levels. The projection box was located beneath the circle, above the rear stalls seating area.

From 22nd October 1936, it was taken over by the Associated British Cinemas(ABC) chain, and was re-named Palladium Cinema. It continued to operate successfully as an inner city neighbourhood cinema for many years.

The Palladium Cinema was closed on 13th February 1965 with Gerald Hatray in "The Spy" and Francoise Arnoul in "Daggers Drawn"(A Couteaux Tires). It became a bingo club, which operated until closing in the late-1970’s.




















This is not a good idea. Let's do it.
28DL Full Member
Great shots! Live just up the road from here but there's always tons of people swarming outside whenever I pass


28DL Member
28DL Member
I went here a few years ago & hopped the front gate. No one cared then either so it was easy entry. Nice pics! Did you come across the squat at the back? found knives & needles etc


28DL Member
28DL Member
I travelled from walsall to here tonight with my brother and a friend.

It is a lot messier now than in these photos. Quite a bit of vandalism.

Saw the niche touches such as the box with the number pad (not sure what it is) on the stairs.

The entrance/kiosk had a nice vintage sewing machine table, although We were unable to locate the corona bottles we did see all those belts!

Most stairs cases (especially those going into the ladies/basement area) were obstructed with lots of debris (placed by vandals assumingly) thus we did not explore the lower floor.

It appears that people have/are collected/collecting all the valuable metals & radiators etc into a pile for scrap.

We also had a nice surprise from a cat that had been seeking shelter inside, which left our friend scared sh**less

Nobody gave a crap about us jumping the fence.. We did wait for a decent sized break in the passing cars before doing so to lessen the attention attracted (it was also around 8pm so pitch black outside).. definitely going to return in the day time where everything is more visible. The dark just adds to the eery effect, which doesn’t phase me too much. It’s a good laugh watching your pals almost sh*t a brick though!

other than all the above.. if you know where this is then go give it a visit!! Stunning place which holds a lot of history.

if you DO visit, leave the contents where they are for the next explorer(s) to see!!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I travelled from walsall to here tonight with my brother and a friend.

It is a lot messier now than in these photos. Quite a bit of vandalism.

if you DO visit, leave the contents where they are for the next explorer(s) to see!!

Good advice but many will take no notice Im afraid, as soon as a place is out there & relatively easy to access the only way its going is downhill

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