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Report - Holmfirth & washpit mill culvert. June 2021

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Been on my to do list for to long, so come sunday as i was up stupidly early i decided to have a ride out on the motorbike and finally get it done . Had been having a look on maps and was alerted to a possible culvert starting in the town centre were the river Ribble meets the river Holme . Arriving at the town centre for 6.40 am it was by no means quiet people were about there daily business so i had to chose my moment to jump over the wall next to the old picture house and get kitted up !

inside the concrete box culvert not sure why they decided it needed windows lol


looking upstream i then turned left under the steel props ( looks like some building work was taking place )

river Ribble flowing down the steps in to the river Holme this was bang under the town centre

standing at the top of the steps looking downstream (sorry about the over exposure on the pics ) i then had a walk upstream but it was never anymore than small bridges and a small culvert finally dividing in to 2 small in height culverts that i could see light at the ends of so unfortunately it was a no show

this culvert was about the best of the bunch before i called it a day under the holmfirth dyers , dont think theres anymore upstream well nothing major had to walk back past the beer garden of the nook pub must have been seen lol and finally back out the way i climbed in got back on bike and rode up to the next culvert

the start or outflow of washpit mill culvert , no having to mess about here parked up top and just strolled in

inside looking upstream then looking back

steps ! love stuff like this

right hand channel could do with unblocking , brickwork sides with concrete block and beam roof

brick arches then became brick pillars

brickwork now turned in to a stone arch bridge

looking upstream then looking downstream

love underground old bridges , looking now upstream , things got a bit more messy for want of a better description lol


the blocks in the roof could do with sorting ! having viewed previous explores its obvious some deterioration has taken place

had a quick nosy up here it leads outside

looking downstream again it was quite a climbing frame lol

view upstream then looking downstream

the end in sight

another underground old bridge

think that RSJ ( metal girder ) has seen better days lol

well thats it, a cracking explore really enjoyed this one thanks for watching :thumb
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Regular User
Good stuff, pleased you had a nice time in the 'Firth! There's a lot going on in that Washpit culvert!

It's a little bit easier to get into the Holmfirth centre one from the infall side of the Holme, for anyone else going. You can walk in down from the courtyard of Papa Popolinos without having to climb down past the Picture House. It's my doobstation when I have a bit of a wait for a bus down there.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good stuff, pleased you had a nice time in the 'Firth! There's a lot going on in that Washpit culvert!

It's a little bit easier to get into the Holmfirth centre one from the infall side of the Holme, for anyone else going. You can walk in down from the courtyard of Papa Popolinos without having to climb down past the Picture House. It's my doobstation when I have a bit of a wait for a bus down there.
yeah noticed that on my way back out but a bloke with a digger was there so i diidnt try it , lovely place holmfirth bet its a great little pub crawl around there ? if we can ever get out of lockdown


Queller of the uprising
Nice job. Just edited your date out as per forum guides. Keep that in mind for next time!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
nice job that jezzyboo
them old underground bridges are nice
could do with a spring clean down there in places ha ha

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