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Report - - Hudsons Bastion Dover Castle May 2019 | Military Sites |

Report - Hudsons Bastion Dover Castle May 2019

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I did a report on this years back and the pictures where pretty badly lit and on a 18mm kit lense so after many years of not going out anywhere i've been dragged out of retirement a few times this year by Obscurity and this was a nice little revisit to get better pics and have a laugh!

Hudson's Bastion is the most complex of the 19th Century defences in Dover Castle's East Ditch. It comprises the fortified bastion earthwork itself, with an underground guardroom, a large caponnier flanking the ditch and a long, two-level loopholed musketry gallery. The entrance to these outworks from within the castle is through a long tunnel, known as Hudson's Passage. The underground sections of Hudson's Bastion remain in good condition and are an excellent example of 19th Century fortification.

Explore wise.
got a last minute call form Obs so jumped in and off we went,no dramas in and out no fuss or bother..

Pictures. Only so many to get from here and as a lot of passages look the same have a small selection of fisheye shots.
DSC_0001 1.JPG


Short and sweet but i thought it was about time i put up some pics form at least one of the locations this year
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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
A Wevsky report? Nah it can't be.... can it? :cool:

Nice one mate, nice bit of brickwork there.
I thought it was about time mate,probably have a bit of a wander about this year,nothing like the old days but maybe just a couple more nights out and about!

The forum appears broke, it's bumping @Wevsky reports... oh wait :coat

Just when everyone thinks i have vanished off the face of the earth and here i am ,like a bad smell ;)


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
cracking stuff mate, you may be a bit rusty but you can still churn out some quality photos. :thumb

mockney reject

Staff member
There must be a glitch in the Matrix

Wevsky, paradox and jobs all posting in the same week.

Good to have you back Wevsky


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
There must be a glitch in the Matrix

Wevsky, paradox and jobs all posting in the same week.

Good to have you back Wevsky

Hardly an epic location but back in the day before the past time got so popular it was something we all kept off the radar,seems its like a sunday stroll these days and no one gives a shite! As for back.well ive always continued to lurk i just managed to do as the cool kids say "an urbex"

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