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Question - - I doubt anyone will but....SHOEBURYNESS. | Military Sites |

Question - I doubt anyone will but....SHOEBURYNESS.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Id love to explore Suttons Manor in Shoeburyness, but due to it being situated on a live MOD site.. the chances are very slim to impossible.

Question :-
Has anyone one got or know of any interior pics of this building ?

I am doing a report on this building and need one or more interior shots particuly the celler basement area.

As I say.... I doubt anyone will have.. But I cant think where else to get said pics or even a floor plan from.

Admin/mod etc If this is the wrong area for this post please move it to the correct forum catagory - Many Thanks.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
according to it is not used but is on MOD property
Its on active mod land, but the building itself is deralict. I've read the festival brochure and spoke to some of the people involved in putting the festival together.. but I am dying to find out if there is any truth on the tunnel/s that supossedly lead from the basement to a number of possible exits.. After extensive research online it seems the Basement may also have a stone slab that's quite big and "no one" has ever lifted it to see what's underneath .. apparently the Manor was built directly on top of the original Manor that stood there .. so of a basement exists that's also part of the double cellar..that may how the key to an urban myth/Old wives story that's lasted for over 100 years.. there's the Smugglers run rumor ..a girl dying in a well at a red brick house on Elm Rd and it being covered up ..discreet passage for soldiers in ww2 ..the list goes on ...BUT one has ever settled the score..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Theres better stuff to explore round there than an old house

Without a doubt ..but my interest lies within the cellers of that manor house. To finally de bunk an age old tale ..I dont mind if there is or isnt ..but would be terrific to solve the mystery. But if there are any tunnels id be extatic.

I may do a report of what I have so far and leave the outcome pending.....obviosley using online pics so far but scoured thousand of pages and am not giving up

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