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Report - - ICI plant protection Offices - November 2022 | Other Sites |

Report - ICI plant protection Offices - November 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was my 3rd visit to this site, and it certainly had seen better days, there are some beautiful photo opportunities and overall a wonderful site to explore. I visited twice back in 2019 and its safe to say the vandals have had alot of fun over the last 3 years... The building was a HQ for a company researching and producing Chemicals, explosives, fertilisers, insecticides and paint. I think it is an amazing place to explore and the size is almost overwhelming, it's like a maze inside. And yes that is a real Pigs head... don't ask me how it got there.

Photos Taken on a Pentax K20D Shot on full Manual


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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice first report. I love the fifth photo with the glass, really crisp!

Just add the month and year to the title of your report if you can, just to keep titles consistent on the forum!

Looks like it's gotten worse since I visited in spring last year, they also removed a few bits there was an old Jaguar XJ X300 which they have removed.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice first report. I love the fifth photo with the glass, really crisp!

Just add the month and year to the title of your report if you can, just to keep titles consistent on the forum!

Looks like it's gotten worse since I visited in spring last year, they also removed a few bits there was an old Jaguar XJ X300 which they have removed.
Yes I noticed the jaguar had gone! I visited a while back and its certainly got alot worse, I will add the date now!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice 1st report. The pigs head is a bit freaky but Ive seen hearts in bags at a site before lol. Welcome.


The redevelopment of the Highfield part of the site for housing was approved by the South Downs National Park Authority in 2020 and expanded upon in 2021 - planning number SDNP/21/03918/PA3O


If you search the web for the planning application I gave it lists the address

Every time I post without a location I get a message from the mods telling me to put one in and usually a couple of people say the same thing on the thread. You don't have to give map co-ordinates but it would be very helpful if you at least stated a town or county it was near? That way we know if it's near us to start looking up more info. If I had to search company names and investigate planning permission for every single report just to find out if its in Inverness or Dover it'd be a bloody nightmare.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A grim looking place. The first pic is cool.
I thought that the pigs head was a mask tbh. It was only after reading the comments and looking at it again I realized it wasn't :eek

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Every time I post without a location I get a message from the mods telling me to put one in and usually a couple of people say the same thing on the thread. You don't have to give map co-ordinates but it would be very helpful if you at least stated a town or county it was near? That way we know if it's near us to start looking up more info. If I had to search company names and investigate planning permission for every single report just to find out if its in Inverness or Dover it'd be a bloody nightmare.

agreed it should have location, surprised admin havent picked this up however if u put in abandoned ICI plant protection offices this is literally the first hit u get!

Personally I wouldn't bother going even if I was passing but fair enough if it floats ya boat.

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