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Report - - Ings Beck Culverts ,Wakefield , March 2022 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Ings Beck Culverts ,Wakefield , March 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
The Ings beck flows past HM prison Wakefield then through the centre of the city before outflowing in to the river calder . Having a ferret about on maps there looked to be one or two culverts and some smaller bits that might be worth having a nosy at
arriving before 9 and getting parked up and shafted for 5 pound parking in a totally empty car park on a sunday access was gained easily in to the river underneath the railway bridge were ings road meets thornes lane , The buildings the culverts go under are retail parks and the culvert first goes underground just before B&M homestore as expected its a modern affair

A bit more grimy than i was expecting and a bit silty underfoot

slightly more modern here

looking back to the start

the culvert curved around here to the right

first open air section not very long before the start of the main culvert

the culvert widened out here quite a bit , very silty underfoot and top of thigh deep deffo one for the waders it was a hard slog getting through as you could not see the bottom and there was tyres and all sorts of crap under the water !


open air bit only small, the main culvert had been a featureless slog and the pics dont convey how deep and difficult it was to get through without going for a swim was glad to be through it to be honest !

at last a change in styles if only slightly lol this is looking back to were i had just come in

then looking forward

nearly out

the next part was more of a river walk than drain explore caught sight of a large heron but he alluded all my attempts to photograph him

another short culvert looking back downstream

then looking forward the ladder on the right would bring you up outside costa coffee , start of another culvert ahead

this next section was very modern clean as a whistle but very slippery underfoot


like being in a army bunker had to climb out here only option no way past the grill

same on both sides , moving on upstream

this was at the end i climbed out here did have a nosy further on through the stone arches

not quite sure what the purpose of this is it all joins up as shown in my last pic think its only used when the beck is in flood

saw another culvert coming in on the right a bit further upstream this is the one that leads up to Marlborough street outside the wall of wakefield prison

was only about 900mm tall and silty on the bottom the end of it is also grilled over so no way out so diddnt fancy crawling on all fours up that to come back again !
well thats it was a fair walk when its all added together the main section was a disappointment but there were some other bits that compensated thanks for watching :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey Jezzyboo
Looks like you found a nice bit of concrete there under the splendid city that is Wakefield !!!!!
I bet parting with the 5 green ones for the parking was a real trauma ha ha :lol
Ill be in touch with ya soon (after a long absence) for a little expo as the knee is improving somewhat.

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