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Report - Ironbridge B Powerstation

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
More of a "retelling the story" than a report, and scant few photos but reckon it's worth sharing for a laugh. Visited in January 2017.

A plan was formed with @Moose & @Bolts and a weekend chosen. We spent the day running around a mine doing timed assault courses at someone's 21st birthday party (every bit as fun and knackering as it sounds). Taking leave from the party and ale early, we snuck off to @Moose's car and headed south. Having found a suitable spot to park in, we were just grabbing our bags from the boot when a car stopped next to the layby we were in. A young lad leaned out of the window asked "whuryuhduwin"? Just some nosy scally with his bird. I think we convinced him we were off wild camping or something and they fucked off. So back in the car and off to find somewhere else to park. Fuck leaving the car there now. Aaaand finally, we were ready.... As we set off into the night I looked at my watch- midnight.


It took us about two and a half hours of walking, running, crawling, hiding, climbing, slipping and falling in the rain to get in. We were gutted to find all the lights in the turbine hall switched off, but were prepared to wait knowing well our route out was fairly straightforward in the morning. We found a little room to sit in and sort our shit out; we were in for a wait. Regrettably @Moose had soaked his jacket in paraffin earlier that day, so didn't bring it as the smell was overpowering. Me and @Bolts were getting cold too, so we decided to have a wander. Leaving our bags in the little room we went off to warm ourselves up.


After mooching around the lower floors in almost complete darkness marvelling at the epicness of what we could make out, we headed upwards. You could just about see with the light coming through the huge top-level windows, and so made our way towards the turbines. As we approached the front of the building skirting a far wall, we heard the familiar sound of security driving around. Unfortunately, this time as it got towards the main entrance, we heard the car stop.

After listening to the engine for 10 minutes @Bolts crept over to the far side to peek out of the window. Through the fogged up glass he could see the security parked up, and the headlights of another vehicle approaching. We decided to tuck ourselves into the corner and wait some more. We crept out for another peek...
Shit it's police.


They opened the roller shutter at the front of the turbine hall and drove the police car in with headlights on. But we were high above them, looking down watching as they walked into the hall shining the torches forwards. We worried over the bags in whispers. Would they find them? Have we set a sensor off? A camera? How could we be so daft? So complacent?

I reckoned they would do a sweep. Either way, we had to move backwards silently and swiftly into the gloom. After 15 minutes or so of slowly shuffling backwards in a huddle, we could see lights flickering. We moved downstairs and made it back to find our bags still in the room. We thought about what to do next. The police had long gone but we had a feeling security would be back. Even so, the best plan turned out to be staying put. We didn't want to risk trying to get out now or trying to find a better hiding place.


So there we waited, they carried on looking for us. Half asleep when a light flickered I kicked @Bolts who was beginning to snore just as the security guard walked right past our hiding place.


So much for that. At some point, we hadn't heard or seen anything for well over an hour. @Moose's lips were turning blue so we decided to grab some photos and gtfo with minimal faff. Escaping was much easier and our route worked well. Getting out of there and walking away was a great feeling! As we approached the car I looked at my watch - Off to maccies!

Hope you enjoyed our little tale!