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Question - - Is backdoor still sealed? | Mines and Quarries |

Question - Is backdoor still sealed?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Planning ahead of time - I know approx each/most entrances to box. but as far as i'm aware most are all barred up by hansons. Is backdoor still currently sealed as that would be the likely route of entry.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I'm amazed that Buntings has stayed open so long.

Especially when you lot keep mentioning it. Keep it quiet ffs.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Planning ahead of time, but asking on a public forum.... Honestly!! STOP ASKING FOR HANDOUTS


Massive Member
Regular User
Planning ahead of time, but asking on a public forum.... Honestly!! STOP ASKING FOR HANDOUTS

Bit different asking if a specific entrance is sealed on a mine

He wasn't asking for locations or anything just if a certain way in was still viable

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