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Report - Jameah Islameah School House, Sussex. October 2020

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T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Visited with @Chloe Explores with a plan to visit the house, church and school however we only managed the house and the church was inaccessible unless you’re about 10ft tall. we failed at the school.

The house is empty of items with the floor missing in places and two ground floor rooms full of metal to stop entry, the kitchen leads to an outer shell overgrown with nature that i think possibly had a bathroom. The staircase was lovely.

the church is beautiful but we could not reach the access point and probably a good thing as hundreds of bees/wasps were going in and out of a hole in the door.

This place has a very good security system of free ranging geese and despite not going anywhere near them they somehow knew we were there and raised the alarm and a lovely old man found us round the back of the school.

To start with he wasn’t overley friendly but after a chat with him and explaining we were just looking at the building we got into conversation as he escorted us off the grounds. he told us that the police are very hot on the place and there is now CCTV installed after one of his relatives was seriously assaulted by a group he approached there who were up to no good. They bottled him and broke his jaw, absolutely disgusting. He was fine with us as we were respectful and posed no threat and left when asked and wished him and his relative well.

so, if you’re planning a trip i wouldn’t bother.


Jameah Islameah School was an independent Islamic school in East Sussex. The school was located on a 54 acre site and had residential facilities to house male students aged 11 to 16. The school was independently owned and the proprietor functioned as the principal. In December, 2005, Jameah Islameah was inspected by the Office for Standards in Education which noted that it "does not provide a satisfactory education for its pupils." At the time of the inspection, the school had nine students. According to BBC News the school purported to teach students to become Islamic leaders, training them to the level high enough to teach in local Masjids and Madrassas.

The main Victorian building began life as St Michael's Orphanage. In the 1920s it later became St Joseph's College, a Roman Catholic Junior Seminary until 1970, before being converted into a ballet school. The Legat School of Ballet, formed by Nicholas Legat and his wife Nadine in London moved to the Marks Cross site in the 1970s and became residential. The ground floor of the main building holding academic lessons, the first floor housed two large dance studio and an art studio while the second floor attic was used for dormitories. The annex to the rear housed staff and senior pupils aged over 16. A third dance studio was housed in a wooden hut beside the rear driveway and several prefabricated buildings to the rear were used for academic lessons and dormitories.

The church building was converted into a theater, and other facilities such as a swimming pool and tennis courts were also provided. Many famous names from the world of ballet were associated with the school, including Eunice Bartell, Pearl Gaden, Anna Lendrum, Hans Meister and Laverne Meyer. The buildings were severely damaged during the storm of 1987 which saw a number of the pre-fabs destroyed, the main building roof lost a number of slates which then damaged other buildings and the roof of the bell tower collapsed.

By 1990, with falling admissions, the School had begun to struggle financially (despite taking on pupils from the nearby Bush Davies School of Education and Theatre Arts which had gone bankrupt the year before) and was unable to afford the repair bill. Insurance alone was insufficient to foot the bill. Closure came in July 1990 when Legat merged with Wadhurst College and moved to their site at Best Beech Hill, approximately 4 miles to the east, only for that site to close a few years later when a further merger with Bellerbys College occurred
















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