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Report - - Jarrahdale timber railway line Western Australia February 2025 | European and International Sites |

Report - Jarrahdale timber railway line Western Australia February 2025

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The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member

Western Australia's early settlers were impressed by the Darwin ranges thick forest of jarrah or swan river Mahoganey as it was then known. The line was built and opened in 1872 as a timber railway and ceased operation in 1962 within a few days of the opening of the railway a nearby sawmill was erected by the Rockingham jarrah company this now lies abandoned and will be made into its own report when I actually explore it.

The explore was relaxed other than the horrendously large spiders and the 35-degree heat. all photos are shot with my Nikon d3200 and kit lens.

Timber mills at Jarrahdale - State Library of Western Australia
One of the sawmill in action. credit to 014738PD: No. 3 Mill, Jarrahdale, 1900-1910
Image result for jarrahdale timber railway
and one of the railway. credit to 1458B/3: Locomotive 'Rockinham' hauling logs, Western Australia, ca. 1900-1910.


Any clues as to what car this is?

I found it quite weird that the track was missing in places but not in others.








And thats about it from here nothing to exciting but ive explored worse. Cheers for viewing.

The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member
I can imagine it's sparse over there. Everything is so far apart. Get to the old abandoned gold mine towns in the middle of nowhere 🤣
It's easier to hire a helicopter and get flown out to those place than to drive. I think I will come back and do a euro trip in a couple years and do some stuff in the uk aswell