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Report - - Jericho, Oxford - 19/11/07 | High Stuff |

Report - Jericho, Oxford - 19/11/07

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Seeing all this new crane/high stuff action coming out recently I decided I should show everyone what Oxford has to offer on terms of high stuff (Not that much unfortunately)! Visited with an American friend.
Entrance was simple yet interesting at the same time, through a grave yard that was incredibly lit up buy the moon, I tryed to incorporate that in a few of my photos but it didn't work to well. And the weather although wet and cold created a cool mist in the graveyard and made some of the views amazing.
Doing this crane I felt more comfortable than the other 2 I've done so that has encouraged me to do another one relatively soon, so what this space...

By the way I hate uploading shite pictures so I apolagise, I blame photobucket as they are fine on the pc :confused:

The Crane itself, only a small one :gay


The base:


One of the views:


And the other:


And the people shot:



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