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Report - - John Seeley Library, University of Cambridge - December 2020 | High Stuff |

Report - John Seeley Library, University of Cambridge - December 2020

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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Thought I'd stick this mini-explore up as it's something different, but nothing particularly amazing. Also, the photos sadly suffered where I left my tripod behind to free up mobility, but I regret it looking back as the high ISO has absolutely mullered them.

The History

In 1895, a memorial fund was set up for Sir John Seeley to commemorate his services to the uni and British Empire, which led to a library being set up in his honour. This moved premises many times over the years, until 1968 when this very unusual glorified greenhouse was built. However, its design hasn't been the most convenient and has had to have heavy alterations over the years to keep it water tight, including in 2015 when the concrete roof areas over the books was resurfaced.

The Explore
We had a long day of climbing and looking at big old structures all over the place, from the High Garrett radio mast in Essex to the university's Mullard Radio Observatory based on the outskirts of Cambridge. This was a final stop to add the so-called cherry on top to the day. After noticing how piss easy this was on a prior stroll through the campus, I decided this night time excursion would be too perfect to miss. Given that I wasn't a student and infact an imposter (and whilst bragging I could've applied but chose not to because I thought uni might be more fun elsewhere ;)) I figured there wouldn't really be much negative consequence to this. Waiting for a moment where nobody was walking through the area and no security patrols in sight, we cracked on. Whilst an easy climb, it was at an awkward angle which didn't help the severe case of jelly legs I get from any ounce of adrenaline. As we ascended, we passed offices and corridors with the lights on at eye-level. Thankfully no one was in otherwise they might've had a fright. Upon nearing the top, we noticed cryptically vague sign pasted onto the glass - maybe a high-brow political statement, but it was lost to us. Once we took in the pretty cool view from the top of the other strange modernist university buildings, we decided to gtfo and did so unoticed. Yeah it's a long way off the infamous Cambridge Nightcrawlers scaling cathedral walls with their bare hands back in the 30s, but start small and all that.











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