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Report - - Junction Chamber and Overflow at Victoria Bridge, Aberdeen Jan 2020 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Junction Chamber and Overflow at Victoria Bridge, Aberdeen Jan 2020

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more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Nothin' special, but probably worth sharing. This document gives a nice little insight into the construction and history of Aberdeens sewer network. There's a map at the bottom which shows what's where.

I wasn't expecting it to be such a 'walk in' but on a low tide, Col (one of the easy to please Geordie lads that enjoyed Aberdeen Darkie with me and a few others last year) and I did just that - well stooped for 30 seconds through 6' wide x 4' 'high' concrete pipe until we got to the grill I was expecting to find. It was covered in rags and all sorts which instantly put him off squeezing through as did the 'noise'. He laughed at me and went for a smoke i think......

I 'cleaned' it out with me foot and cols gloves, squeezed through - it was gross - and after another few meters came to the cause of all the noise. It was where flows from the Girdleness Outfall Sewer (which for a while runs parallel to the river) combine with flows from the Northern District Sewer (The Links / Stadium area and town east of the Den Burn). This combined flow can overflow to the right, through the high window I was crouched in, though thankfully the flow was at least a meter below me. I wasn't equip to explore further, though i wish i was, but beyond the two penstocks the "sewer is continued to Point Law (where the sump under the Dee is) in duplicate, 5 3/4 feet in diameter, owing to the fact that there was insufficient depth below the surface to make it the full 7 1/2 feet in diameter". The document above contains an interesting, detailed description on all parts of Aberdeen's sewage. Unfortunately this was all I got round to seeing while I worked there recently but there's deffo more to see nearby.....just by someone else

Apologies for :turd pics :D





Wish i could've got a better view of the junction looking upstream in that last pic (above). Selfy stick (or wadorz :thumb) needed

Thanks for lookin' :thumb


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Nice bit of brickwork and poopage there, well worth checking out seeing as you were in the area. Last pic wouldn’t look out of place in a London drain. :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks suitably fresh and misty in there. Just one quick question, are those penstocks remotely controlled or is there top side manhole access?

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