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Just curious.....(I'm new dont hate me!)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm totally new to all this so can someone tell me the ettigutee, I'm assuming like in the photography/modeling world no-one shares the actual locations of their photographic gems and obviously dont break into places - leave things as i found them...... but what else do i need to be aware of??

Also whats this communities outlook on the combination of urbexing and modeling?

thanks for all the advise in advance :)


Regular User
Have a read through these two threads and you'll get the general idea:

As for modelling and urban exploring....there are a few people on her that combine the the case of the blokes I'm not sure they've quite grasped the 'modelling' part ;)

I'd like to think that most people who regularly post to 28DL are friendly and open minded about most things and over the years I have found that to be the case.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the advise... I do have a set of images from "Vanity House" I cant remember its location but it was fantastic place, there a NSFW section on here to share images that erm....contain naked people haha?


Regular User
'Vanity House' ...'code name' and no location so it's pretty much unsuitable for 28DL 'report' sections regardless of NSFW content.
There's no NSFW section but see:

Mostly examples of people having a good laugh whilst exploring rather than serious modelling ;)

A common sense approach to what should or shouldn't be posted on a bulletin board aimed at adults but which can be viewed by under 18s would seem the best course.

*The admin team are always available for more definitive advice


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ahh so tasteful and quirrky (my style)

I do know the location of vanity house now (i found it on here named something else but its definitely the same place
I shall have a look through the link you sent ...have a giggle too!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I occasionally shoot models in explores, this is far more of an exploring related forum in regards to those images however there is the 'Page three' thread which kind of caters to the more risqué shots people have taken lol.


Massive Member
Regular User
I think it's been covered above but there's a page for people shots where everyone is clothed and there's the Page three for nudes
The page three shots don't even need to be tasteful really, juts look for any of @Wevsky's post in there and you'll see what I mean


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm totally new to all this so can someone tell me the ettigutee, I'm assuming like in the photography/modeling world no-one shares the actual locations of their photographic gems and obviously dont break into places - leave things as i found them...... but what else do i need to be aware of??

Also whats this communities outlook on the combination of urbexing and modeling?

thanks for all the advise in advance :)
At least you asked!

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