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Video - Kellingley Colliery (Big K) - Here, there and everywhere

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Myself, @Raz & @The Amateur Wanderer have had Kellingley basically to ourselves over the last few months. With the security being less than shite and nobody really seeming to go for a look about we have explored pretty much every part of the site aside from the miners rescue.

As of Yesterday, 360 ducks and diggers have rolled into site, so the demolition is about to commence so if you want to see it get in there :thumb

Alternatively, just watch this;

Ta for looking :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice video. Lasted about 5 mins before having to bail,was rather gutted

Cheers man :) Get yourself back in! Will be gone soon mate. Im led to believe that the headstocks will be pulled down in October


Regular User
Enjoyable watch, I think when things are speeded up to 'benny hill' it makes them easier to digest. Excellent to see a video that isn't just shaky and dark with barely any discernable content.

Also looks like a season change has done wonders at solidifying that awful coal based gloop underfoot.

Nice video. Lasted about 5 mins before having to bail,was rather gutted

Y u so bad at sploring?

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