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Kennall Vale, Cornwall

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi everyone,

I hope we have some Cornish People in here that can maybe answer this or even provide photos.

So I just did a search on here and couldn't find anything about Kennall vale in Ponsanooth, Cornwall. For those of you that haven't heard of this place, it's an old gun powder mining area with loads to see and I am positive it is hiding much more.
I lived in Falmouth for 4 years and have been to this site a number of times, on a couple of occasions I ventured a bit further than you are supposed to and found some interesting things. Over the wall at the back of this site, you can find a reservoir that once use to feed the water wheels that sit along the edge of the river, near this I found another wheelhouse with all the working still inside and a strange hole in the ground that was covered with rocks. Has anyone come across this before?

Also inside the site downriver near the old bridge I went off the path and into an overgrown area following the river downstream and came across a shaft that has a metal cage over it, next to this is an opening that goes down underground but I don't know how far, it is this that I am most interested in and the hole over the back wall.

I do a lot of landscape photography so I uploaded some images I took here plus some phone shots and I have also provided a map to locate the areas that I have seen if anyone is interested in going deeper into this.


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28DL Member
28DL Member
Cheers guys a bit more history there but unfortunately doesn't touch upon what these shafts are. I did try climbing down the one near the bridge but it seems to turn and it has a lot of loose rock under foot. I peaked around the bend but it goes deeper and was too dark to see if it carried on.
I know of the Cornish explorers but not sure if those guys have ventured down any of these.
It's a bit of a mystery, nothing seems to be written or documented that sheds light on what these tunnels are.

Curious Craig

28DL Member
28DL Member
I explore this place from time to time, I’m just in Camborne and have friends in Ponsanooth and Falmouth, unfortunately they aren’t into exploring :( so I go alone or with my girlfriend who doesn’t like to climb etc “tut”. Lost a magnet there last week magnet fishing in the quarry pond thing up there, I still need to recover that lol. I known of a few tunnels around here that you haven’t mentioned also and if you want a explore buddy next time your down there, give me a shout :)

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