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Report - - Kipperoch decoy bunker april 2012 | Underground Sites |

Report - Kipperoch decoy bunker april 2012

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pantomime horse

Nay Nay and thrice Nay
28DL Full Member
another bunker from the Clyde AA defences in WW2
this one is between Dumbarton and Cardross and tied in with the three in the Kilpatrick hills, (Jaw,Douglas Muir and Auchenreoch moor). there was a searchlight battery nearby in cardross.

this bunker is unusual as it is mostly above ground. all the others I have seen are either totally or partially buried.

visited with Toots and the wee man, (my two youngest)

unfortunately the drainpipes have filled with mud being washed down the slope so there is perhaps 2 or 3 inches of clinging mud throughout rising to a depth of about a foot at one point.


same 2 room and entrance layout as the others with 3 concrete bases in one room (engine room)

looking up the escape hatch

there were no remains of wiring or machine piping to be seen (unless they were under the mud) and the walls were not plastered or whitewashed. there was wooden batons on the walls though as can be seen on this view towards the escape hatch

full of spiders too

view back out entrance

thats about it
in middle of a sheep field, full of mud and sheep shit, it passed half an hour anyway

cheers for looking

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