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Report - - Klinger Factory - Sidcup - March 2015 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Klinger Factory - Sidcup - March 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
woohoo another one i didnt know about,as i got family sort of near sidcup thought id give it a go.

Access was piss easy and you can tell why its full of graffitti as any one can literally get in there.

last report from this place was some time in 2014, and to be honest its not that great, unless you like graf that is.

A little bit of history

Klinger was an Austrian manufacturer for valves and borosilicate gauge glasses. In 1936, they expanded their production facilities to England and opened this factory in Sidcup. This factory was built in 1937 to the designs of Wallis Gilbert and partners for Richard Klinger Ltd. The Klinger company was founded in Austria in 1893 and made gaskets for engines and hydraulic pipelines and also water level gauges and valves. This building was built in the latest Modern style of architecture. The building originally had water tanks at the top of the central tower. There was a second floor company flat intended for visiting Austrian executives, offices on the first floor, cutting shop and tool room on the ground floor and storage for rubber, asbestos, chemicals and consumable items in the basement.

The building has been derelict for many years now and a planning APPLICATION
for an IKEA store has been withdrawn so it currently sits in limbo with palisade fencing around the perimeter. The majority of the building is in a serious state of decay and hasn't been helped by 2 fires from earlier in the year.


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28DL Member
28DL Member
I've tried to get in there around a month ago and the fences at the back were fixed up again. Are they back down now or what?


28DL Full Member
I've tried to get in there around a month ago and the fences at the back were fixed up again. Are they back down now or what?

Come on emietron surly if you managed to make it there you can have a look around for diffrent access points. Some are more obvious than others. To be honest it doesn't look like it would be that difficult to get in ...


28DL Member
28DL Member
Me and a group of friends about 5 of us went there and was chased out by who we think to have been police they had torches laser pens and set the dogs after us, it does have saying police dog training ground just a heads up guys and girls


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and a group of friends about 5 of us went there and was chased out by who we think to have been police they had torches laser pens and set the dogs after us, it does have saying police dog training ground just a heads up guys and girls

does it?? i didnt see ANY signs


28DL Member
28DL Member
really good first urbexing experience, although I did end up of a photo with a face which wasn't one of the three of us, does anyone have any idea why the place shut or remains abandoned and just left its been a long time many thanks

andrew jerome

28DL Member
28DL Member
I have been there about 7 months ago. is it still the same access. we also got chased out but 4 people one was female they have 1 or maybe 2 dogs red touches and green laser pens.

we are still not sure to this day who this could of been, police, security or some people who set up camp waiting for people like us to turn up

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