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Report - - Langdon Hole Communications Bunker & Deep Shelter, Dover - November 2019 | Underground Sites |

Report - Langdon Hole Communications Bunker & Deep Shelter, Dover - November 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A location that's been somewhat done to death, but hey ho, here's yet ANOTHER report on it, enjoy!

After a considerably tiresome day in Dover, myself and @TheFerret decided to make one last pit stop at what was once our favourite photography spot...good old Langdon Hole ;))

So, we made our way down the now almost entirely step-less staircase into the deep shelter, unpacked our cameras, and began to light paint near to every inch of this little gem. A good hour or more must've passed before it started to feel like our lungs were giving out from the thick layers of dust and debris that shrouds the location, and so, we decided to wrap it up and make for the exit.

It was certainly worthwhile returning to this abandoned piece of history, as many people tourists who take the stroll from the visitor centre to South Foreland Lighthouse are simply unaware of its existence. Although despite its current dilapidated state, from 1942 to the ending of WW2, this tunnel network was not only used an air raid space, as it also played an integral role in a system where information was communicated from Dover back to the War Office. All quite incredible when thought over...











Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
Was our first time sein it today as we where looking for the entrance someone pointed us in the direction as they had just come from it and as we where leaving another group was coming down into it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was our first time sein it today as we where looking for the entrance someone pointed us in the direction as they had just come from it and as we where leaving another group was coming down into it
Yeh it’s a pretty popular spot mate, I first went august 2017. The footfall has gotten significantly heavier ever since

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