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Report - - Leman BH Oil Rig, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk -July 2017 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Leman BH Oil Rig, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk -July 2017

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Leman BH


Not quite as impressive as a certain other rig but regardless, still worth a few pics. Had a bit of fun walking around this and watching the sea from the top.Quite an impressive structure and amazing that it's sat derelict in the North sea for 21 years having stopped being used in 1996! Some cool little features dotted about but mostly stripped. Nice Cummins diesel in the basement and a few little bits and pieces.

Information and History


The Leman BH platform is a living quarters platform, originally designed to accommodate up to 48 personnel working on Leman BT and Leman BK platforms. However, the living quarters became redundant following the decommissioning of the Leman BK platform in the mid-1990s. The remaining bridge-linked Leman BH and BT platforms became Normally Unattended Installations (NUI).

The functions of Leman BH are limited to providing power to the Leman BT platform and providing helicopter access and temporary overnight shelter for personnel visiting the Leman BT platform. The Leman BT platform provides pressure control for the produced gas flowing from the Leman B, C, D and E production platforms before it is transferred to Bacton via Leman A.



The Leman Field is located in the Southern Basin of the UKCS in license block 49/26. The Leman BH platform is located approximately 50 km east of the Norfolk coast and 62 km west of the UK/Netherlands median line (see Figure 1.1). The Leman gas field was discovered in December 1965 and comprises of three main complexes, Leman A, B and C and four additional platforms, Leman D and E to the south and Leman F and G to the north (see Figure 1.2). In-place reserves as of 11 April 2005 were estimated at 478 BScf in the Shell Expro concession of the section of the Leman Field that flows over Leman BT/BH. Field life is expected to last until 2032. The Shell operated Leman B complex consists of two pairs of bridge-linked platforms, Leman BT/BH and Leman BD/BP. The Leman BH and BT platforms are Normally Unattended Installations (NUI). The Leman BT gas transportation platform (BT) was installed in June 1970 and the Leman BH living quarter platform (BH) which is bridge-linked to BT was installed in February 1981.

The Leman BH platform is a 990 mT topside structure with a 4-leg piled steel jacket installed in 35.7m water depth (LAT). The Leman BH living quarters became redundant as full-time facilities when compression stopped at the bridge linked (to Leman BT) Leman AK platform in 1996. The remaining purpose of Leman BH is to provide personnel access to Leman BT and to provide shelter for personnel visiting Leman BT. Because of rising maintenance cost, it was decided to decommission Leman BH and to transfer the functionality to Leman BT.

For a little more information etc. read:

Annoyingly, google maps and google earth satellite hasn't taken any pictures further than a few km East of the Norfolk cost so I couldn't find it on there.


Me and Olly decided we'd venture out one night after spending some time working up in Norfolk, glad we did as we seemed to grab this opportunity at the right time. After walking around a bit unable to find it, we realized we were looking right at it, spent a little time assessing our options then we went for it and took a good look around. Personally found this really interesting, some of the switch rooms were great even if they were a bit ruined and empty. Donut escape devices included. The lights on the roof were both a blessing and a curse. We took a good look around everything and quickly found out that the roof under the helipad was pretty corroded and after a few nail biting crunchy foot steps we managed to reach the other side without putting a foot through the floor. Thankfully the rest of it wasn't as shit.


Not the best as usual but you get the idea :P



Windmill yard next door



Found it hard to photograph the helipad


Leman BT, I can only assume this was repainted and used as a helipad for the neighboring BT platform as this one is clearly the BH living quarters


The crusty roof



Crusty switches and signs





One of the cabins (they were pretty similar)










Big engine, was accompanied by a smaller Cummins diesel engine that powered the emergency fire pump.


Not the best, but hope it was worth a read!

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Cracking report :thumb

I was mega impressed when I read it was 50km off Norfolf, thought that was some dedication getting out there :D Still a good effort though.


28DL Member
28DL Member
how did you get into the outer harbor? last time i got in it took an hour to get over the rocks and under the fence out to sea

Planning a visit tonight. Any info to do with entry or if its still there will be very helpful
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