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Report - Liverpool Factorys - September 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My friend and I were up in Liverpool visiting a friend who had recently moved up there and went for a stroll along the docks. Not entirely sure if the warehouses are complelty abandoned but from what I could see they were empty and unoccupied. Due to nearby construction workers we could not gain access to the inside but I did manage to take some shots from the outside. From what I can find out from the internet they used to be used for the production of tobacco and steel when Liverpool was slightly more industrialised back in the 1900's.
If anyone has any more information about these warehouses that would be appreciated.












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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Um, this seems to be section of warehouse exteriors from a stroll around the ’10 street’ area of the docks.

You could have just used Google street view…


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Um, this seems to be section of warehouse exteriors from a stroll around the ’10 street’ area of the docks.

You could have just used Google street view…
I was on a stroll by the docks and took some pictures, there were builders working in some of them (I presume restoring) so I could not go inside.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Well, since you edited your post to ask about these places, and I happen to live in Liverpool, in order we have:

Tobacco warehouse on north side of Stanley Dock (now hotel) plus the top of the accumulator tower as viewed through the bascule bridge (reports for all of these on here).

Tobacco warehouse on south side of Stanley Dock, currently being turned into apartments (many reports).

One of its gateposts.

Door on Dickson St - back door of a car place I think.

Bonded Tea warehouse (report on here).

Graffiti on Pirate Studios (music rehearsal).

Tobacco warehouses again, this time showing part of the most southerly one (reports).

Warehouse spanning Porter and Vulcan Streets (no report, but I can tell you there’s not much in there).

Warehouse on Regent Street (sells used office furniture).

Another warehouse on Porter Street - someone lives in this.

Another picture of the same warehouse spanning Porter and Vulcan Streets.

While it can be difficult to tell if some rundown-looking warehouse is actually in use, just looking at a map would have told you exactly what most of these were.

You could have produced a similar set of 11 images from Google street view - rather annoyingly I find this gives externals which at least as good as the ones I take.

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