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Report - - Liverpool university - derby and heartily buildings(June 2020) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Liverpool university - derby and heartily buildings(June 2020)

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Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Very brief history - The derby and Hartley buildings located on the Liverpool university campus previously used for engineering,biology and archeology all of which have been moved out between 2005 - 2010.

The explore - this is a location I have previously explored a couple of times using the same entrance which hasn’t yet failed,I haven’t previously taken pictures of this explore as I’ve always visited at night but this time in the summer there was still a bit of sunlight left when we arrived so I thought I get a few snaps.
We explored this location for a couple of hours gaining access quite easy although there is active security on site which are doing regular patrols which we had to avoid, there has been quite a bit of stuff moved out but surprisingly not as much damage as you’d expect to find in such a popular well known location.
As we were ending the explore we were inside the building near the main entrance when we heard someone punching in the code for the front door so we quickly hid behind a staircase and saw the security come in go back out then jump back through the door a few seconds later,we suspected he must have seen one of our torches through the window so we decided to make our exit.
We made it out and got to the car which was parked only around a couple of corners but before we had chance to drove away the security car drove up to us blocking us in.
He gave us the usual ‘we could have You arrested if we wanted to you know’ all of which we’ve heard all before but we just spoke to him respectfully and he seemed alright after a few minutes and told us there planning on refurbishing the buildings soon.









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28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
It's a cool place, remember chilling on the roof during that short iffy period between Christmas and New years, got locked in once but if you know the other exit it's geuniely not to much of a bother.

Cheeky sunset shot from the roof
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Not seen this come up for a while - like others have said waving a torch around in a building like that is just asking for trouble to be honest.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Yep beaten to it, night time explores with security id say torches are a no no. Still you got away with it, so fair play. If I really have to use my torch somewhere, I cup it down and only snap when its safe, but I mostly explore during day.

Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Waving torches around is an easy way to get caught, just go in the daytime it's better for photography and less likely to get you nabbed because of errant torchlight.
It's a cool place, remember chilling on the roof during that short iffy period between Christmas and New years, got locked in one but if you know the other exit it's geuniely not to much of a bother.

Cheeky sunset shot from the roof
Yeah great view from up there at night

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Love this place but as above why go at night, its stunning with some natural light!

well done for getting out there though


28DL Member
28DL Member
Can any of you fellas kindly tell me where the entrances/exits to this building are? I'd like to see it for myself


Queller of the uprising
Can any of you fellas kindly tell me where the entrances/exits to this building are? I'd like to see it for myself

I’m a lady so I find that quite insulting.

Secondly, and what I find more insulting is that you’ve contributed nout and you’re asking outright for locations; that’s not how it works round here, if you’d like to see it yourself, do the leg work and go and look!

Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I’m a lady so I find that quite insulting.

Secondly, and what I find more insulting is that you’ve contributed nout and you’re asking outright for locations; that’s not how it works round here, if you’d like to see it yourself, do the leg work and go and look!
I’m a lady so I find that quite insulting.

Secondly, and what I find more insulting is that you’ve contributed nout and you’re asking outright for locations; that’s not how it works round here, if you’d like to see it yourself, do the leg work and go and look!
Someones easily triggered, and yes mate on the roof round the back of the building should be a window open


Queller of the uprising

@Explorer budge
It’s not that I’m triggered mate, it’s that it clearly states in the dos and don’ts of the site not to ask for locations. The site isn’t for begs. People need to learn if they want to go and see something, do the work yourself and stop feeding off others.


grumpy sod
Regular User
@Explorer budge for the love of God don't go telling people access details on a public forum, it's a very very easy way to get things sealed up. Edit your post or a mod will be along to delete it shortly.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Well this blew up more than expected haha. By the way "fellas" is a shortening of "fellows", which is gender neutral.
I'm new to this forum, I probably should have read the rules prior. Apologies for that.
Although I know the way in now and I'll probably use it. Is there a way to privately DM people on this site so I can find access points without breaking any rules?

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