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28DL Member
28DL Member
Just newly joined to 28dayslater, so far so good, we as a couple have been exploring for well over a year now and have a big interest in abandoned buildings, we have visited over 100 places so far and are keen to explore more. We currently post all of our content on LKUrbex Facebook page and LKurbex on Instagram, sometimes YouTube but just getting into that really. looking forward to posting on here aswell. We are based in Lincolnshire but travel to locations and are planning some trips further away to explore the unknown.
Would love to swap locations :)


Useful Idiot
Regular User
Welcome to 28 @LKUrbex. You’re best sticking up some reports to begin with, people will be a lot happier to share info with you when they know you’re legit.

Happy exploring!


grumpy sod
Regular User
This isn't really a 'location swapping' site however everything you'll ever need can be found by utilising the search bar, and with some rudimentary skills on Google maps etc you will then be able to track them down.