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Looking for someone to go urban exploring with | New Members Introduction |

Looking for someone to go urban exploring with

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi, based in Glasgow and looking for someone to go urban exploring with. Not gonna lie I'm new to this. From Essex originally and 19. Looked through the north weald bunkers as a kid and used to enjoy messing around down there.
If anyone is looking for someone to do urban exploring with just gimme a shout!
Big love


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Welcome to 28!

I’d recommend you give the the Survival Guide a quick read (28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. | New Members Introduction), it’ll help get you started with he forum and provide you some good tips for getting on well with the hobby

You’re best getting out with a few mates to begin with, you’ll find that people on here are a lot less reluctant to meet people they know are genuine and not secca/ owners

Happy exploring


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi, based in Glasgow and looking for someone to go urban exploring with. Not gonna lie I'm new to this. From Essex originally and 19. Looked through the north weald bunkers as a kid and used to enjoy messing around down there.
If anyone is looking for someone to do urban exploring with just gimme a shout!
Big love
Hey man, I’m 19 from Essex too. Looking to explore as well but im based in Manchester