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Question - - Looking for someone with tools and knowledge to help access a site in Wales, Aberystwyth to be specific | Other Sites |

Question - Looking for someone with tools and knowledge to help access a site in Wales, Aberystwyth to be specific

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi, I'm looking for someone to help me access an extensive network of tunnels in Aberystwyth Wales, cheers :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In Aberystwyth?

Look, the entire town is built on glacial till (right next to the architectural award in the University library is the strain gauge showing how fast the place is slipping down the hill) and as such, there are no tunnels in that horrible stuff.

There ARE abandoned lead mines up Cwmystwyth and Cwmrheidol, but those are mostly flooded and dangerous.

And then there's you, asking for help breaking into somewhere on a public forum.

Please don't do this.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Don't pi$$ off my mate Roy you tool!

Do it properly:

That is a very nice bit of history on those mines, and I am very glad and thankful that it was posted.

Info notwithstanding, mines need treating with respect. Go into them in the company of someone who knows what they are doing, and who knows what is dangerous and what isn't.

Oh, and try not to shout about it on here, you'll have the bat-fondlers getting all hot and bothered about it. Concentrate instead on whatever remains of the justly famous Pantycelyn pub crawl. I hear tell all the famous campus bars have closed, and that the Bay Hotel now houses a Premier Inn (an announcement that brought tears to my eyes).

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Cwmystwyth is a great little mine.


No need for tools as the place isnt gated but there are other things stopping you getting in if youre not properly prepared.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had a look a that years back when I was a student there. It would be a hell of a mess and a lot of noise to get through the metal door and you are right next to a main road surrounded by houses. Probably easier to see if the Library do tours.

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