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Report - - Lynemouth Pithead baths August2011 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Lynemouth Pithead baths August2011

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Mini explore with Thestig and NIC81 of Lynemouths Pithead baths only a small place but worth a visit if you are passing , had some charms


Pithead baths (including offices and canteen, now medical wing).where built in 1938 by F.G. Frizzell in Art Deco style.

English heritage describes this grade II listed buildings thus:

Pebbledashed over white brick. Roofs part concrete slab, part glazed (over baths section) behind parapet. Irregular plan, Modern Movement
style. Group of blocks of varying height round tall central tower with
rounded, glazed stair turret. Walls mainly sheer, with plinth and slight roof projection. Long block on east of tower (ingoing locker room) has central south projection with glazed, banded steel double door under high strip of windows beneath eaves overhang. Taller storeroom to west has similar doors in 2 recessed banded glazed bays; and abuts on south-east corner of tower. Similar double doors in base of tower. Large lower south-western canteen wing abuts on west side of tower and has banded glazing around two sides above a projecting sill. Slightly-projecting 3-bay office section to north has steel cross casements;
on its return another casement and a door with hollow-chamfered jambs and flat hood. Taller bath block behind. Wave pattern on rainwater heads.

Interior: walls and doors in canteen/office section flush, with some tiling, possibly renewed. Single architrave moulding to doors. Exposed service piping throughout. Baths section; ingoing ('dirty end') and outgoing ('clean end') locker rooms have slatted steel lockers with polished metal mirrors on locker doors. Shower cubicles with white tiles, walkways with white tiles topped by a single band of red. Stop-hamfered lintels.

Thinks these are taken from the "clean end"





Thanks for looking

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