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Question - Manholes

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am interested in exploring some tunnels, I have plotted a few that I want to assend into.. But wanted to ask if any more experienced tunelists or underground bunker explorers that could give me a heads up as to the different types of manhole lids ...particuly the ones that you can actualy go down and not just small water or drainage pipes.. ?

Also, are there any tell tell sighns to look out dor that could suggest underground rooms etc.. ? Many Thanks.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In some seriousness I pass by manholes 3-4 times a week at minimum in Paris and I’ll just be straight , lots of them are extremely heavy and you’re seriously at risk of losing fingers or hurting your back closing one if you descend and if it’s a 2 triangles in a square style you risk them falling on you when you come back up , edit : the square cast iron turtle plaques are particularly heavy and don’t have springs to soften the close , they’re especially tricky

you need to be careful and ideally have someone show you how to move them before you get into it or at least have a basic idea of how to lift a round /manipulate a triangle etc

that said in England you won’t find much under manholes , apparently in Manchester there’s one manhole that might lead to something interesting but I’ve heard of literally nothing else that isn’t sewers or the like
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Queller of the uprising
They’re manholes. They’re fairly standard in most cases, heavy and there’s only one good way to lift them.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have some drainkeys that I bought, when i come to move the lid/s i will move them clear of the hole upon descent so no worry of them falling in or on to me/us .. it was more a question to find out which shape lid most likely leads to or covers a hole that can be entered by a person and not just tiny tunnels that a cat could just about explore lol...or electric cable runs etc... to try a narrow down the shape of the lids I should be ainming to uncover ...? ..


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Dont go lifting any lids anywhere, your too new to the scene to know what you're doing or to do it safely and leave them safe afterwards.
Its not a case of the round ones are for people and the triangle ones are for cats its a case of you'll kill yourself or someone else if you get it wrong.
Some of these covers haven't moved for a long time and especially the cast iron ones you've a good chance of breaking them or your back. Then I assume you'll leave a hole in the street.
Putting a cover back without seating it properly is a good way to have a car smash through it or someone trip over it or as said have it coming crashing down on your head.

Being found with lid keys is going equipped and also keys are for specific covers no doubt you'll end up trying to prise lids up with what you have because they don't fit properly.

Its not like that fat twat ewf where you walk up to a lid and travel down into underground Manchester (that one is now sealed i beleive) he was relying on others wanting their 5 minutes of fame.

You don't walk round and see a certain type of cover and say those cover secret tunnels lets go down it, all types, shapes and makes of cover are used for anything. You need to research what you want to find, where you want to go, which lid might see you to where you need to go and then look for a lid that may achieve that and only then look at the lid properly and im sorry to say you just don't have any of those skills at the moment.

You're talking about moving lids clear of their holes before decent and what? Leave an open hole while your having your jollys underneath? You won't even be able to move a lot of lids clear of any hole without a lift and rollers anyway.

Take some advice, sell your keys or hide them in your shed for a couple years, you really aren't experienced enough, the fact you're asking which type of lid leads to underground tunnels shows you've no idea. Seriously stop now before you hurt someone.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Scooby and host have given you much better answers than me and they’re certainly worth listening to

if you ever find yourself in Paris drop me a PM and I can show you technical galleries and sewers all you like


Is this question regarding the manhole in Shoeburyness? - or have you given up on that?



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This aside from common sense I can tell you isn’t a plaque for people because the holes to open to plaque are on the middle of the plaque and not the thin corners for triangle which would give you more leverage to close and open the plaque from below , good luck opening one of these from below when it’s already closed and potentially difficult to lift , several people on here have already been explained how to lift one , you won’t be one of those people


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Having lifted many manholes during my employed years I can tell you that the shape of them gives no clue at to what's below.
Over the years different manufacturers have produced different designs either their own or to customer requirements.
Part of the design it that they are capable of being lifted after have hundreds of thousands of vehicles run over them or pedestrians in the case of pavements.

As above somewhere, many get stuck and even with hydraulic lifters, essential normally for some of them, they won't come up and need smashing up to get them out.
There are different weights of cover dependant on what's likely to run over them but just because it's on a pavement or not on a road doesn't mean it's a lightweight cover.

Plenty of people have died going below ground without suitable knowledge, training, equipment and rescue equipment.
Just because it's not a foul sewer doesn't mean there are harmful gases down there.
Watch the Sewermen programs on T.V and see what equipment they use when going below ground and the number of rescuers they have available.

Re dropping the lids, I've had a few near misses but never fully dropped one down, the triangular ones are the worse, they should be loose bolted together but some aren't.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I suspect because of the silence from the op the ignorance is strong, we've not had any acknowledgement from him good or bad, no thanks for the info or anything so I wouldn't bother wasting any more time on this, I suspect the next we will hear on this subject is a news report of someone getting in trouble down a BT hole in the middle of a road somewhere. He's bought his 'tools' so he's gonna use em.

Johny Vaults

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I suspect because of the silence from the op the ignorance is strong, we've not had any acknowledgement from him good or bad, no thanks for the info or anything so I wouldn't bother wasting any more time on this, I suspect the next we will hear on this subject is a news report of someone getting in trouble down a BT hole in the middle of a road somewhere. He's bought his 'tools' so he's gonna use em.
Hi Scooby, may I ask roughly where your based or just let me know if your near Bristol or not? I’ve found a manhole that’s opens into a vault. For the reasons you mentioned I wouldn’t dare try myself.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Bristol is 3hr 8min away, I know because its where I bought my van from last month lol.

There are accomplished explorers on here from/in Bristol though ;)
Its no secret im in the peak district.

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