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Report - - Mapperley Tunnel (February 2020) | Underground Sites |

Report - Mapperley Tunnel (February 2020)

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Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A fairly in-depth look at Mapperley Tunnel..

A brief history..

At 1,132 yards, the longest of the tunnels in the area by some distance penetrated a ridge to the north-west of Gedling, approached through a cutting 70 feet in depth which was crossed by a brick aqueduct. Mapperley Tunnel’s construction was expedited by sinking six shafts, steam engines being deployed at each for hoisting up the spoil. This was then taken away to form a nearby embankment. Three of the shafts were subsequently retained as ventilators. Track level was 210 feet below ground at its deepest point.
As is to be expected, attending the work was a catalogue of misadventure - minor, major and fatal. Here’s a random sample. Miner Charles Daniels was crushed to death by a fall of earth in February 1874. In July of the same year, a lad named Shepperton suffered a severely crushed hand. Two months later, William Tucker was taken to hospital with smashed hand and badly cut head after some bind fell on him. And a lump of rock landed on 24-year-old navvy George Longthorn in August 1875, causing serious back injuries.On 23rd January 1925, a collapse triggered by mining subsidence brought down a 12-yard section of roof, blocking the line with around 150 tonnes of debris. Whilst repairs were carried out, traffic was diverted along the Nottingham Suburban Railway which took a roughly parallel course further to the west. The tunnel was repaired but the continuing effects of subsidence resulted in the imposition of speed restrictions during the 1950s. Closure came on 4th April 1960. Today the west portal is buried and the tunnel backfilled for a distance of 510 yards, as far as the centre shaft. This - with its tower of tipped rubbish - and the eastern shaft remain open; the other is capped and located under the drive of a new house off Gedling Road. The shaft linings are supported on cast iron curbs, inserted into the arch. The east portal is an imposing brick structure although it looks rather lost at the end of the vast cutting. It comprises two substantial buttresses either side of the entrance and an unusually high headwall. The copings are ashlar, as is the projecting keystone. Exhibited by the arch face are ten brick rings, needed to withstand the ground forces being exerted on the tunnel.

So to the explore... this images are made up over several visits and we even ventured beyond the infill and reached Air Shaft No.4 as yet we’ve not gone beyond this but it is possible I think... I’ll let the images below explain the rest..


looking west from under Air Shaft No.1


looking west under Air Shaft No.2.


Same image as above but with no light other than from th


looking east under Air Shaft No.2


Same as above slightly more light...


Looking up Air Shaft No.1.


Infilled section beyond the crap stack looking east Air Shaft 4 just visible


the view from the start of the infill


looking towards the crap stack 455yds in from west entrance..


Looking west unsure of exact spot...


Another 420 yds in looking




just make out the only remaining Railway sleepers in the ground on the right hand


One of many refuges


Some railway fish plates and one for the drainage grates


Eastern portal..


The famous crap stack, taken from top on infill.

Well that’s all for now, hope you’ve enjoyed looking through these, and maybe of some reference to you...



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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Tunnels get underestimated as an explore, but a few on here, make them seen, and that a skill. The colours, shapes, and lighting all make for a nice report. Good history too :thumb

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
Thanks for posting an update on this. Excellent photos.
I didn't know palisade fencing had been deployed - but can't say I'm surprised considering the tunnel's condition.
Nice to see photos from the top of the infilled bit too - I never made it that far.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What conditions the portal in now? Been in there quite afew times (6 I think) and it got slightly worse each time but last visit was 2yrs ago! Need to get back when travels allowed.

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What conditions the portal in now? Been in there quite afew times (6 I think) and it got slightly worse each time but last visit was 2yrs ago! Need to get back when travels allowed.
It’s not changed a great deal, Lots of construction work taken place nearby what with the new road and houses, I believe the fence was repaired 3/4 months ago but still accessible….

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for posting an update on this. Excellent photos.
I didn't know palisade fencing had been deployed - but can't say I'm surprised considering the tunnel's condition.
Nice to see photos from the top of the infilled bit too - I never made it that far.
Thanks Wombat! Believe the fence has been repaired again although no doubt the locals have made a new hole in it, the condition looks dire but in reality I doubt much has changed structurally, yeah I’ve crawled as far as possible to within a few feet of the northern portal little to see just lots of infill! Oh and lots of iron support rings to bash your head on repeatedly :banghead:thumb

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