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Report - Meaford Service Resevoir

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My report on Meaford Service Reservoir, not much to say really,the pictures do most of the talking...

The entrance:

One of the entrance hatches:

Inside the Resevoir:

The pillars inside the Resevoir:

Saying anything inside this place echoes so loudly it makes it very difficult to communicate. Its quite an amazing experience.

Thanks for reading and viewing :)


  • IMG_2684.JPG
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pity the Photos don't say anything about the History of the place or the Month or Year of visit. Not everyone knows it which is why History or info et is always added to posts....or should be)
Any further internal pics would be preferable to a pic of some angle iron frame I'd suggest .


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's some more photos, it took to long to upload them all at the same time (Visit date: 10/10/2015):
Bits of extra info,
  • Interestingly, there is a second reservoir adjacent to the empty one which is full, I wouldn't have thought it's still in use, but seems a bit odd, since the other one is totally empty.
  • There's a pipe which seems to be labelled to the old (Now demolished) power station
  • This reservoir used to hold treated drinking water, so supplied the surrounding area with its drinking water.
  • Its easy to get to the site, you can park right outside and simply climb through the hatch on top of the reservoir.
Through the first door you see pipes and other plumbing:

Animals have fell down the hatch before....

The ladders in fine condition

What remains of the door:

Yet more pipes:

These are my best pics as my lighting was awful, I hope this suffices for time being ;)

Thanks for reading and for the advice, :)

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