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Report - - Medway Nuclear Bunker (Southern Water) April 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Medway Nuclear Bunker (Southern Water) April 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Initially this morning I had plans to do some university revision and exploring was my last thought, but I received a message regarding the Gillingham war bunker was open.
Confused, I searched online regarding posts about it and found nothing as it appears the entrance for that specific bunker was sealed when buildings were built over it.
Having received images from the explore, I decided to do some digging to where this location was as I have not seen it being posted before.
I quickly managed to find the location (luckily) and set off on about a 15 minute drive solo to this spot.

Upon arrival, I had to do some dodgy parking as this is located in the middle of some fields near a travellers site. From photos of the exterior I knew what I was looking for and spotted it quickly, however it seems the land it is on has now been claimed and is being used to store horses. Horses that unfortunately did not look well kept and seemed to have been left there, the entrance is gated but the gates have been opened enough for a person to hop through but there has clearly been no attempt to fix the damage.

At first, the explore look sealed and I was disappointed. The main entrance has a massive metal door sealed shut, no way of really opening it. So I went on top and had a look, there was holes in the ground going down into the bunker which people had used to climb down using some rope.
But for me, a relatively small girl by myself I decided there was no way in hell I’d manage it without getting hurt. Luckily, it’s a small exterior so after some more searching I found an entrance where a ladder had been previously left.
It was a seriously sketchy ladder but being small and skinny defiantly was an advantage but the ladder still felt as though it was about to break. A note worth having if anyone checks this out, try bringing something you can use to climb down on as I don’t reckon that ladder will hold many more people.

Once I climbed down it became pretty clear this place was flooded and completely black. So I pulled out my torch and had a look around.
The bunker itself is quite small and has about 4-5 rooms inside excluding the big room I entered straight into from the entrance. All have been vandalised and stripped from anything remotely valuable.
Some small things remained which I’ve attached from the photos I took.
It’s defiantly a quick and easy explore to do, and it holds a lot of history to the location, being a Cold War bunker after all. It is a shame it has been vandalised but it hasn’t taken away what the original use of the bunker was for and its definitely worth a look if your in the area.


The bunker was built between 1970-80s by Kent’s water company, southern water, which had built three underground emergency centres incase of a nuclear bomb attack. This was necessary to control the water supply in case of such a scenario happening.
However, it was never fitted with the correct and necessary commitment and with no nuclear attack happening and Soviet threat diminishing the bunker was never used and eventually became abandoned.
The bunker is located south of services coming from the M2 and near Gillingham (not to be confused with the gillingham bunker).
Past reports I’ve used to document the history seem to have visited the location a while ago and there has been significant damage since, including water damage inside and outside of the main control room. It’s not deep but be prepared to get wet feet if your not wearing boots!































The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
You obviously are totally oblivious to the current lock down rules in the UK. Urban exploring can not in any way fit into the 4 things we are allowed to do as laid out in the guidelines. Exercise yes, that includes walking, running and cycling. If you look around there is no one fishing, crown green bowling, playing football or cricket, climbing, canoeing or doing anything really that most people love to do normally.

Reason being apart from that's what we have been asked to do, it also put you at risk and more so the people who have to pick up the pieces if the shit hits the fan. The last thing the ambulance service, police and fire brigade want to deal with is an explorer who hurts themselves. Never mind all the NHS staff who would then have to deal with you. You potentially are putting them at risk, never mind wasting their time and resources at a time when you should be using some common sense.
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