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Report - - Meriden ROC Post, May 2015 | ROC Posts |

Report - Meriden ROC Post, May 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Opened: 1965
Closed: 1991

Another forum stated that this was a master post, but an ROC website didn’t mention this to be true. Not sure if anyone can confirm.

Unfortunately, the post isn’t in the same condition that other members had found it in the past. There was a lot of broken concrete down there and was pretty much flooded and full of domestic rubbish. The carpets are completely submerged in about an inch of water and I had to stand on various wobbly bits of concrete to take photos, hence why the pictures are not as I imagined/hoped.

Other items have gone missing, the original chairs have gone, various BT tools, and the awesome clock. To see it in it’s former glory, please click here to see the post by @turkey






28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Been in this ROC today, the water has pretty much gone although the floor is soggy and smells when disturbed, all the concrete capping is still at the base of the ladder but doesn't stop you getting down, not much has changed from the photos above.... Still in alright condition :-)


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Been in this ROC today, the water has pretty much gone although the floor is soggy and smells when disturbed, all the concrete capping is still at the base of the ladder but doesn't stop you getting down, not much has changed from the photos above.... Still in alright condition :-)
there is a lot of these dotted around the country in 1989 to 1990 i was working for a company that was going round the UK decommissioning them. Unfortunately we was ordered/ told to get in the back of a bedford troop carrier and a MOD guy sat in with us to make sure we didn't peek out to see where we was going. we got to our destinations piled out of the troop carrier.and emptied the bunker out and piled the items into another tarp coverd bedford we did them daily and sometimes over two days certain big ones we at to use MOD forklifts to get pallets of items that was stored there.The amount of stuff we got out was phenomenal. Now looking at some of these explore photos and videos i recognise most of them. i even managed to Borrow one of the plessey fall out meters but after about 6 years of it sitting in my display cabinet at home I realised they contain a small radio active isotope. And then quickly got rid of it on a auction site. Another thing that sticks in my mind especially on the bigger bunkers.Was the fact that the MOD guys was as surprised as us at some of the stuff we got out.Boxed and brand new .From Tvs To UHF two way radios it was a great experience.
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