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Report - Milfield First School- June 2019 (Pic Heavy)

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Alice o123

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After seeing some pictures online of this derelict school from other explorers, I just had to find this school and give it an explore myself and after much research I found it thankfully. This explore was over two visits over the course of June. This place was a small but still a fantastic explore and has since been demolished.

Milfield First School was located in a housing estate in the small village of Milfield in Northumberland and was heavily overgrown but there was no evidence of vandalism, only natural decay which was great!

There is not much history about this school but it only had capacity for 20 children ages 5 to 9 it consisted of three classrooms, two of which were merged together to form one large classroom and the third room was named the ‘SureStart room’ for extracurricular activities by the looks of it. Furthermore, there was no kitchen so this makes me think that all the children and staff who attended this school had to bring their own food. This school closed on the 31 August 2009 and had been left empty ever since until demolition in September 2019.


The very overgrown exterior

Layout of the entire building

The main pieces of equipment in the second merged classroom


Teachers desk in main classroom. It still has teaching materials and other documents on it!


Another view of the main classroom

The Hall

Close up of a piece of gym equipment

A poster from the surestart room

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Thankyou for looking!

Ya Boy Croy

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What an interesting find.. Such a small little school compared to the ones from nowadays, seems like it's quite rare to find a place that's not been vandalised or graffitied over!

Alice o123

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thankyou! I know it was so small. I’m so glad it wasn’t vandalised when I visited it. Almost no one knew about it.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Nice little mooch you had there,

As regards food, I believe what often used to happen is a local secondary school (or such) with catering facilities would bring meals over at lunch time for children wanting them or those on free meals. Of course they would still have children with packed lunches at least thats how it used to work around here.

beyond the wall

28DL Member
28DL Member
I actually attended this school. I was child number 6 when I started in the 80s. A few things. The office was originally the boys toilets, and the toilets on that floor plan were the girls toilets. The L shaped classroom was reception and years one and two. The Sure Start room was years 3 and 4 . The in-between room was used as a TV and project room. We watched shows or did pottery etc in there. There was reading corner. At one end of the hall near the doors off the corridor theres a nook where gym equipment was stored. There's additional doors to playground.
With regards to lunches. We would walk down to the old school at the bottom of the village (now converted to a home) which at the time was a hall with kitchen facilities. We would have lunch on big laid out tables there then walk back up to the main school. I'm also fairly sure that gym equipment was there when I was

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