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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi I'm from south Yorkshire and k am looking for locations that are accessible in leicester or between there and Doncaster as I have a trip to go pick something up from leicester and wanna kill two birds one stone. By getting a explore done on way back


Queller of the uprising
This is not the way it works round here. Look for yourself and research.

Have a read of the following link to help you get a feel of the site and how things work:

And have a read of this guide to help you posting a report:

There’s tonnes out there, use the search box to your aid and you may even find something in your area!

Ya Boy Croy

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
With a quick search I can see there's a few located around your area, use the search button and search for places around you.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi I'm from south Yorkshire and k am looking for locations that are accessible in leicester or between there and Doncaster as I have a trip to go pick something up from leicester and wanna kill two birds one stone. By getting a explore done on way back

Don’t we all need locations, unfortunately it doesn’t work like that you have to find yourself and then some people are willing to do swaps with you.. best of luck


I'm fairly certain the links to the newbie guide kindly posted further above would suffice here rather than continual sarcasm!

Admittedly such a blatant post isn't good form, but it appears the youf of today don't know any better and it's a conditional expectation..

Let's hope he finds his feet real quick eh, welcome along all the same :thumb

Hi I'm from south Yorkshire and k am looking for locations that are accessible in leicester or between there and Doncaster as I have a trip to go pick something up from leicester and wanna kill two birds one stone. By getting a explore done on way back

Check the search function ;)


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
To be fair, those of us on multiple times day and night that read all of these posts just sometimes need a bit of sarcastic relief but point taken.


Massive Member
Regular User
If only there was some way to search the forum...

Try google searching "Permanently closed" and the area you're looking at
Search using google dorks
Follow the blue lines on Google maps until the blue line stops suddenly
Look on the at risk register


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If you follow the blue line til the end what does mean? I thought that’s just normally a road u can’t drive down or walk down?


Keep it real
28DL Full Member
Im from sheffield and know loads of easy locations to visit, will need to see atleast a report first before i share them though ;)

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