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New explorer's looking for a group to join based in somerset axbridge | New Members Introduction |

New explorer's looking for a group to join based in somerset axbridge

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello all new to the forum my partner and myself are looking for a group to join and explore with and find new places and share some too. there are a couple places in my area that I'm curious about but haven't yet visited we are based in Axbridge Somerset I'm sure with it being a rural area there is also alot I don't know about and some overs do. Anyway give me a shout people and let me know cheers


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hmmm, the old quarry on the road from Cheddar to Shippam? Out across the levels towards Godney are some nice pumping stations and pillboxes, stuff to look at in Street. And that's just off the top of my head, plenty of caving in the area as well, the top of Mendip is like a Swiss Cheese, hollow in places!!