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New to the website, here's a small introduction of myself :) | New Members Introduction |

New to the website, here's a small introduction of myself :)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello fellow explorers, hope you are having a good year so far!

For anonymous reasons I will call myself E, for now. I'm 20 years old and was born and raised in Belgium 📍 (but I'm also half british so have come to the UK a fair bit when growing up to visit family).
I moved to London last September as I've just started Uni so I'm still finding my way around this massive city!

Back home, my friends and I did a fair bit of UE but without really paying attention to the history of the sites, except for a couple. We also go to a lot of free parties so always ended up in some abandonned place. For those of you who don't know what they are it's quite simple: when a soundsystem wants to organise a party they will go scout and secure (abandonned) locations and then send out coordinates on private groupchats the night of the party and wait for all the party people to arrive on site to dance the night (and morning) away 💃 That's if it doesn't get shutdown by the feds. Last weekend, we ended up in a massive 2-3 warehouse abandonned sports hall! So yes, in a way they are illegal just because we're on private proprety. But there's a much bigger story behind these parties which I will not be talking about because that's not why I'm here.

The reason I'm telling you all this? Just wanted to inform you on my previous experiences regarding this hobby and maybe connect with people who have the same kind of experience :)

Anyways, I'm now back in London as I went back home for holidays and I'm determined to keep this hobby up even tho I'm in a different country and haven't got my friend group to go with. I've already gone to a couple spots but again, it was just for the party.
I've started doing proper research now to find sites in London and it's how I've found this website. Let me say props to whoever created this because damn, it blew my mind!!! Just WOW! I've read a couple reports already and skimmed through the website and seeing people be so passionate about this makes me even more eager to continue my research. And actually get involved in the history this time.

So yeah, I'm gonna stop rambling now but just wanted to say that I'm so happy to have found this community and can't wait to share my findings with you all! And also share some sites from my home of course.
And as fun as it is to do this alone, it would also be lovely to find a nice little group of people to share this experience with. All in due time of course ;)

Hope you all have a banging 2024 and more, PEACE ☮️


O high
Staff member
Welcome to the forum :) definitely get some stuff posted up when you can !