Hey! I say new but I have explored a couple of times locally. When I was like 11/12 I got into this factory/warehouse in Cumbernauld, Glasgow but when I went back a week later I got a scare off a security sensor thing that told us to leave and I absolutely crapped it 🥲 hadn't done much since but recently got into watching them on YouTube and it's kicked it all up again.
I've got a couple of shots of parts of the still-funcioning (somewhat) Cumbernauld town centre that have long since been forgotten about and are closed off to the public. Do you all think I could make that my first report or does it need to be a fully abandoned building? TIA and look forward to hopefully making new pals to explore with!
I've got a couple of shots of parts of the still-funcioning (somewhat) Cumbernauld town centre that have long since been forgotten about and are closed off to the public. Do you all think I could make that my first report or does it need to be a fully abandoned building? TIA and look forward to hopefully making new pals to explore with!