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Report - Newcastle-under-Lyme Civic Offices - Autumn 2021

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
The Civic Offices were opened circa 1963, to the designs of architects Bradshaw Gass & Hope. The buildings replaced earlier municipal buildings such as the Municipal Hall on the Ironmarket which was controversially demolished in 1967 and the Guildhall on the High Street which still stands. The council relocated once again in 2018 to the £15.4 million Castle House development nearby. The Civic Offices site along with a nearby former supermarket site were initially earmarked for a retail development however those plans fell through leaving the Civic Offices standing disused. Recently new plans have been formulated for a residential/commercial development which will see a new office building built in place of the existing Civic Offices building (so much for ‘re-use and recycle’ principles). Soft stripping and asbestos removal works began in the Autumn and the site is expected to be cleared around summer time 2022.

Aside from the usual modernisation, the buildings seemed to largely be as they would have been originally, with the only major change being the creation of a new main entrance at some point which was created in the void between the top of the bunker area and the first floor. Given that soft stripping was well underway by the time I first saw the place there wasn't a huge amount to see inside to give much indication as to what anything used to be. Some areas still retained original paneling and the staircases were relatively intact and complete with nice detail, so at least there was something worth looking at. Some large chunks of the building were sealed off for asbestos removals, from what you could see these were already essentially back to the structural materials so there was little point investigating those further.

Archive image from 1973 for a celebration marking the 800th anniversary of the Borough.


A couple of externals from Merrial Street showing the original main entrance with the large double sided coat of arms. The architectural style is probably not to everyone's taste, but I like it and I'm sure the genericness which replaces it will disappoint me.



Inside the original entrance, the nice vestibule on the right gives some indication as to what much of the interior was once like.


Dropping down to the lower ground level, this area contained storage rooms, server room, switchgear rooms and a number of strong rooms, one of which is currently being used as the demolition crews store.



Beneath the lower ground floor is the main plant room. Signage is still in place from the original installation which utilised coal fed boilers. These have since been replaced with "modern" gas fired appliances, a large standby generator is located down here too.



At ground level, one wing of the building housed the payment halls, although now completely stripped out.


At the far end of the wing is an interesting stair way leading up to the council debating chamber with viewing gallery above.


The viewing gallery overlooking the chamber, the crest on the far wall is marked to be saved.


Behind the viewing gallery is an antiquated ventilation plant room.


The floor of the debating chamber. Remnants of the seating etc can be seen piled up in the middle.


Mayor's parlour with some of the old décor peaking through in the corner.


Members Room with Committee Room through the double doors..




Top floor of the main stair case showing the coat of arms.


Typical stripped out area, originally the accountancy office.


Central section of the first floor. Rooms to the left were originally the typing pool, media and graphics department and the telephone switchboard. On the right were personnel and payroll.



Top floor central corridor which had nice central skylights. These areas housed the legal department and property department including the Borough engineers and architects.


A few shots of the secondary staircase to the rear of the building.



Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council District Emergency Centre

Now to the bit that really grabbed my attention when I was digging into the place, the District Emergency Centre. Typical of the era, most municipal facilities built around then featured some kind of hardened structure. In Staffordshire all nine councils had similar facilities along with the more substantial regional government bunkers. Disappointingly aside from the structure itself there was little left. clearly it had been stripped out some time ago and had been used for storage purposes. The facility has level access via a dog leg corridor off of the lower ground floor and also what appear to be two small shafts at either ende. Pretty much the only emergency centre remnant is the ventilation system utilising components from Andair AG and the decontamination showers. The main access doesn't feature any kind of blast door, so presumably this was removed when it became storage space.

Storage room at the far end, blast door in the corner leading to a shaft up to a manhole in the pavement above.


One of two decontamination showers.


These rooms were marked as being a laboratory on a plan that I found, you can make out where there looks to have been some sort of perimeter benching. Through the door way was the kitchen, however that is completely empty.



The still extant ventilation units. No filter units seem to be present, maybe they were removed when the soil pipe was installed for the adjacent set of toilets. Blast door on the right which leads to one of the shafts, above this is the main entrance "extension" presumably there would have once been a manhole or something above this.


The main operations room, the small windowed room being the control room. Through the doorway are the communications and radio rooms, which retain a small amount of telecoms equipment but nothing of particular interest. More storage space on the right hand side.


The towns motto is "Prisca Constantia" as seen on the coat of arms, it apparently means ancient and loyal.



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice that. Liking those handrails, just a shame so much work has been done.


Chillin at the structure
Regular User
Good work. The upper floor reminds me a lot of now-demolished office parts of Croydon


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Pity, this style of civic architecture is vanishing at a rapid rate.

Gutted for you the bunker wasn't piled with cold war epic, but hats off for the effort you put in with this one!


Staff member
Like that. Good timing it would seem, too, with stripping etc underway!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the concourse that is shown in the photos above. The cabinets used to hold the silverware and various historical artefacts. They were all cleared out before the Civic was vacated and sent to the Brampton Museum.


This is the actual committee room shown in the posts on the report. Those double doors led into the Mayors Room and there were other double doors at the other end which led to the Members Room. In practice the doors to the mayors chambers were only opened on special occasions and the doors to the members room were rarely used.


On the day the Civic was abandoned, there were shedloads of these coffee pods left in the members room. All at least a decade out of date! Early type of Tassimo perhaps, and probably just as expensive.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the back staircase taken from almost an identical spot as the one in the report above. This was at the end of the ground floor corridor that was originally accessible to the public. It led up to the first floor committee rooms and council chamber and up further to the public gallery at the top of the building. Below this photo it led to ICT on the lower ground floor, which was above the basement where the generator and boilers were located.


Same stairs from the opposite side facing toward the corridor.



Throughout the building in the corridors and staircases there were triangular light fittings like the one shown above. These still worked right up until the civic was vacated.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the front staircase and crest taken from the opposite side of the report photo. Again on the last day in the Civic.


Looking down from the 2nd floor of the back staircase. This faced the car park and at the bottom was access to the bunker.


This was towards the entrance where the first photo in the report was facing. The vestibule, used by the caretakers, would have been to the left under the stairs. The staircase on the right led down to the lower ground floor where ICT and the strong room were located.


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the accountancy office referred to in the report and stripped out. It was on the 2nd floor (top of the front stairs).


The Head of Finance sat in the goldfish bowl office.


The main 2nd floor corridor with the skylights as shown above, but on the last day of use. Behind all the doors were little offices. Before moving out to Castle House one alternative considered was to turn the offices into open plan, like the demolition photos show but this was deemed as impossible due to structural considerations.


The second floor was also home to the corporate training room. Previously this room had a projector, screen and tables for multi format use.


These were up a small ramp which made it the 2 1/4th floor!
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This landing on the 1st floor led to the committee rooms and council chamber. To the left was the chief executives office and the director for resources and support services…



The Chief Execs Office. This was cleared before the Civic was vacated, as NuL was “between Chief Executives.


Director of Resources and Support Office.

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