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Report - - NGTE Pyestock, Farnborough, April 2012. | Industrial Sites |

Report - NGTE Pyestock, Farnborough, April 2012.

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28DL Full Member

Visited with the lovely faces of DrHowser, Flip, HiddenShadow, Tweek, NickUK & Sho.


"For over fifty years, Pyestock was host to the development and testing of gas turbine engines. From the 1950s through to the 1970s, it was the largest facility of its type in Europe (if not the world), and the design, experimentation and testing at Pyestock helped to usher in the jet age. From running up Concorde's Olympus jet engines in a simulated supersonic conditions through to the endurance checking of every gas turbine installed in the ships of the Royal Navy, Pyestock's credentials were extremely impressive."

Pinched off Pyestock

It's been a long time coming (and unfortunately for you guys - yet another Pyestock report) but i finally made my way into this bloody lovely site. I can't say that it was the easiest that i have ever done; especially as i spent about five minutes hanging off some barbed wire like a scarecrow - but it was worth it.

Good times with some really good lads :thumb


Nick just wouldn't wake up.













When at Pyestock....




We then had our trip abruptly cut short by the Hi-Vis Squad.

"If you do this *kicks dirt* - i notice!"

Check out HS's video of our departure/his breaking free to get our sleeping bags.



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