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Night and Low-light Photography: The Complete Guide | Books and Media |

Night and Low-light Photography: The Complete Guide

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Night and Low-light Photography: The Complete Guide (Paperback)
by Lee Frost

# Paperback: 192 pages
# Publisher: David & Charles (29 Jun 2001)
# Language English
# ISBN: 071531274X


This guide begins with an explanation of the technical aspects that need to be considered, such as the best equipment to use for night and low-light photography, which films to choose, how to ensure correct exposure in tricky situations, and understanding natural and artificial light. Following a subject-by-subject format, the book then covers a range of different themes and lighting situations - from landscapes and portraits to buildings, funfairs and firework displays, to weather phenomena such as lightning, and candlelight, twilight, sunrise and sunset. The author explains how even the most inexperienced photographer can take successful shots on the very first attempt.

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