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Information - North West bunkers

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all, been a member for a while and always found the threads helpful. Just moved to the North of England Manchester area. I've done the normal city stuff was looking to get some insight to rural locations or tips. It's harder not being from an area and taking up a lot of time with research and mapping. Was hopping some one could give me some pointers or areas to look at for bunkers. I've done a few mines and caves in settle area. But anything near Bowland or lake district. As always guys thank in advance

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Yeah thanks really helpful cheers pal.
That is a pretty helpful reply - you'll get a much better response if you post up some reports first. This is a community that relies on user contribution, but essentially you've asked for advice while saying you have been to places but decided not to contribute anything yourself. If you post reports from the places you've been to, it will show you're going to take part in the community, rather than just take from it, and people will be a lot more willing to help.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Maybe if the community was more open to helping newbies it would thrive and do far better. Maybe helping new people who don't know where to start rather than accusing them off the bat of just "taking" would lead to more people getting involved and new cool places being found and posted. The search function in the forum is awful most reports don't give any guidance on how to get to places, and any time I see anyone new asking for help they're met with the same weirdly pompous gatekeeping BS. I've literally never came into a hobbyist forum like this before and found it so hostile towards anyone who just wants to get involved.
That is a pretty helpful reply - you'll get a much better response if you post up some reports first. This is a community that relies on user contribution, but essentially you've asked for advice while saying you have been to places but decided not to contribute anything yourself. If you post reports from the places you've been to, it will show you're going to take part in the community, rather than just take from it, and people will be a lot more willing to help.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Maybe if the community was more open to helping newbies it would thrive and do far better. Maybe helping new people who don't know where to start rather than accusing them off the bat of just "taking" would lead to more people getting involved and new cool places being found and posted. The search function in the forum is awful most reports don't give any guidance on how to get to places, and any time I see anyone new asking for help they're met with the same weirdly pompous gatekeeping BS. I've literally never came into a hobbyist forum like this before and found it so hostile towards anyone who just wants to get involved.
I can get the annoyance towards it but understand that this is a community for urbex, and whilst it’s a good hobby to have, it’s also one that’s laced with people damaging places and causing problems in the name of ‘exploring’. Showing the community that you’ll give as well as take shows that you’re willing to respect these locations and their history.

And for the poster of the info thread, have a check at locations like Stockport, they’re packed with old shelters ☺️


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Maybe if the community was more open to helping newbies it would thrive and do far better. Maybe helping new people who don't know where to start rather than accusing them off the bat of just "taking" would lead to more people getting involved and new cool places being found and posted. The search function in the forum is awful most reports don't give any guidance on how to get to places, and any time I see anyone new asking for help they're met with the same weirdly pompous gatekeeping BS. I've literally never came into a hobbyist forum like this before and found it so hostile towards anyone who just wants to get involved.
Reports have never given guidance on how to get to places….all reports have a name of the site and nearest town location……from that a little Google search or using an A to Z makes finding these sites relatively easy.
Reports also don’t contain access details for obvious reasons
The hostility’s on here normally arrive from new members asking for access details then throwing their toys out of the pram when told no.

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