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Report - - Northop Hall Hotel, North Wales - Jan 2022 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Northop Hall Hotel, North Wales - Jan 2022

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28DL Member
28DL Member
The owner of the hotel apparently disappeared with many engaged couples deposits...
On time on visit the hotel was open and empty... rooms in good condition.. not trashed and looted.
Alcohol still behind the bar and tables set out for event.
Went back a few days later and now secure with notice of new owner.
















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A peach, a nice welcoming peach
The owner has been back and screwed the windows shut. There is security on site. The cattery next door are aware. The police are aware. And the councils aware. Deffo a no go now.

All because some goontuber try to explore the active cattery next door instead of the hotel and got caught. It’s worth it being sealed for that comedy story alone.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The owner has been back and screwed the windows shut. There is security on site. The cattery next door are aware. The police are aware. And the councils aware. Deffo a no go now.

All because some goontuber try to explore the active cattery next door instead of the hotel and got caught. It’s worth it being sealed for that comedy story alone.
Maybe he's a cat burglar ;)


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Not sure what the fascination is with goontubers and 'recently closed' places, what's the point? There's no decay, peeling paint, architectureual vaule, the smell of mould or lines of asbestos to sniff....

Stop running round with gimbals filming shite.
To be fair this place has a lot of water damage. There one bit that’s so bowed that if you poke it it’ll burst. But that’s on a boring corridor that hardly anyones taken a pic of. There’s water damage in the main bar area and a few other places. So it is a bit.

I don’t mind places like this. Or places with natural green decay. But not trashed. And not cluttered time capsules. So it’s each to their own I believe.

Goontuber rhymes with weird(ed) variety.

Derelict Detective

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
To be fair this place has a lot of water damage. There one bit that’s so bowed that if you poke it it’ll burst. But that’s on a boring corridor that hardly anyones taken a pic of. There’s water damage in the main bar area and a few other places. So it is a bit.

I don’t mind places like this. Or places with natural green decay. But not trashed. And not cluttered time capsules. So it’s each to their own I believe.

Goontuber rhymes with weird(ed) variety.

If its who i think you are referring to, he's just uploaded a video of this place to utube 24 hours ago.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Yep. Names it. And I think he’s gonna get it published in the papers.

Apparently someone tried to use the fire place in the bar yesterday and people have unscrewed boards. Bit of a coincidence that happened after he posted his vid naming the location.

Derelict Detective

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just been for a look, fire exit door window has been smashed completely off, copper pipes snapped off in varouis parts of the building, absolutely pi**ing out water. What an absolute shame. Why people publicly give out locations like these I will never understand. It's only downhill from here. :( The cattery next door should put an alarm on it so they know if anyone goes inside.

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