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Nottinghamshire / Nottingham / Derby / Derbyshire

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I am a professional photographer who has recently stemmed out from portrait work into looking into abandoned urbex work. Is there anyone that can help suggest places from Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire? Struggling to find sites


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Corn warehouse is a great place to shoot in Notts.
I have a shoot there next wk. With a model.
Hull only has lordlines , which I have done a 100 times.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I am a professional photographer who has recently stemmed out from portrait work into looking into abandoned urbex work. Is there anyone that can help suggest places from Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire? Struggling to find sites

If you are struggling to find sites in Derby/Notts then maybe exploring isn't for you...
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Where do u know ?
I've done a lot round Notts. But wouldn't mind a scout round derby ...
Where do u know ?
I've done a lot round Notts. But wouldn't mind a scout round derby ...

Rockwood Pigments
Some Asphalt Factory
Ambergate Victorian House
Ambergate Bunker
Mapperly Tunnel
RAF Base Training Building ( Muslim Boarding School )
And a couple of others but those were the ones I pulled off the top of my head.

Prison Dad

28DL Member
28DL Member
Rockwood Pigments
Some Asphalt Factory
Ambergate Victorian House
Ambergate Bunker
Mapperly Tunnel
RAF Base Training Building ( Muslim Boarding School )
And a couple of others but those were the ones I pulled off the top of my head.
hello LouisR i have also visited those sites maybe you'll be up for an explore one day i know a few more

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