Odeon / Classic Cinema, Loughborough.
The Odeon Theatre, Loughborough was built for Oscar Deutsch as one of his original Odeon chain of cinemas. It was designed by architect Arthur J. Price out of the Harry Weedon Partnership of architects. It opened on 21st November 1936 with Gary Cooper starring in “Mr. Deeds Goes To Town”.
Seating was provided for 1,029 in the stalls on the ground floor and 596 in the circle. Decoration within the auditorium was minimal with troughs of concealed lighting and decorative bands along the walls. The entire exterior façade of the building was covered in Hathernware faience tiles manufactured locally by the Hathern Station Brick and Terra Cotta Company.
The Odeon Loughborough was sold to the Classic Cinemas chain in December 1967 and re-named Classic Cinema. Bingo was tried out from December 1967 until March 1969 when it became the Vogue Social Club, but films returned and it was taken over by the Tigon group of companies who ran it as the Classic Cinema until final closure with Suzy Kendall starring in “Assault” on 12th January 1974.
The Classic name was transferred to the town’s Curzon Cinema and the Classic (ex-Odeon) became a Mecca Bingo Club. It remained on bingo, known as the Beacon Bingo Club until it was permanently closed in March 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In early-2008, English Heritage designated the former Odeon Loughborough a Grade II Listed building.
Made a couple of solo trips here in December with varying levels of success before assembling a team consisting of @raisinwing @dweeb and @Speed in January. Fun times!
Nothing epic hiding away unfortunately, photogenic although standard bingo'd auditorium. Less said about the foyer the better though, yeesh.
Nothing epic hiding away unfortunately, photogenic although standard bingo'd auditorium. Less said about the foyer the better though, yeesh.
No projectors
Roof shot to end with...