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Report - Old Police Academy - Borehamwood - May 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Used to be an old police academy, located in Borehamwood. The police academy closed almost 8 years ago (August 12 2013). Closed due to lack of reports or calls in the nearby area. Now the place is covered in graffiti and nature has taken over.


Took a train from one of my nearby stations to Elstree&Borehamwood which took around an hour or so, walked for 20 minutes to a petrol station and behind it we walked to the location. Stayed for around an hour or so until we made it back to the station and ended our day.





This is what the police academy looked like BRFORE it got abandoned:

Thanks for stopping by!


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Cool! It seems this was actually Finsbury Memorial Sports Centre pavilion which shut in the 80s. Seems like somewhere along the line it’s been confused on here, maybe it was used for police training after it’s life - the sports centre was apparently owned by the police. Did think it looked a bit knackered for a 2013 abandonment
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28DL Member
28DL Member
I've never seen what it use to look like and the difference is crazy however I have been there before it's real cool you can climb onto the roof it's really beautiful view especially if the sun setting if your anyone is planning to go to the place I recommend to not go by your self go with someone and go in the weekday they wont be people there until late and there's ped bike around driving through.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I seem to recall the building was known as Stirling Corner Sports Centre, it was used by the Metropolitan Police for sporting events and physical training during the 1970s and 1980s, possibly before as well. It consisted mostly of changing room, showers and toilets etc.

The last picture is of Borehamwood Police Station which was a couple of miles away and I believe has now been demolished,


28DL Member
28DL Member
I seem to recall the building was known as Stirling Corner Sports Centre, it was used by the Metropolitan Police for sporting events and physical training during the 1970s and 1980s, possibly before as well. It consisted mostly of changing room, showers and toilets etc.

The last picture is of Borehamwood Police Station which was a couple of miles away and I believe has now been demolished,
Yh my nan and grandad lived in the little house by the gates it was abandoned long before 2013 my nan moved on there in 88 it was abandoned then she left early 2000s I do miss it it was my play ground for years motor bikes cars petrol gokarts and about 39 acres to play on after she left the pikeys moved on and destroyed it it was quite nice and tidy when my grand parents were there I do miss the place so many great memories sadly both my grand parents past away now it did bring it back seeing these pics
Cool! It seems this was actually Finsbury Memorial Sports Centre pavilion which shut in the 80s. Seems like somewhere along the line it’s been confused on here, maybe it was used for police training after it’s life - the sports centre was apparently owned by the police. Did think it looked a bit knackered for a 2013 abandonment

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