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Report - - Otterham, Kilkhampton, St Columb and week st Mary ROC posts - North Cornwall - 25/6/20 | ROC Posts |

Report - Otterham, Kilkhampton, St Columb and week st Mary ROC posts - North Cornwall - 25/6/20

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Fairly new to all this, I have always been fascinated by underground bunkers of any type. So long as I can get underground I'm in to it!

Anyway whilst researching bomb shelters I came across a list of ROCs. Within a couple of weeks I have investigated four posts.

Kilkhampton (sealed and left as is)
St Columb (guarded by cctv with cut padlocks but open - many original features)
Week st Mary (dug out to the walls but open - very poor state, flooded. possibly won't be around much longer)
Otterham (open hatch - nice condition)

I know these are pretty mundane but I wanted to get a post out with what I have done as a start off point.

I'd be happy if anyone has locations on more rocs to share. Just a hint as im happy to do my own research to locate it.

Since I have hit the local clay works but that's already very well documented.

If I can help with any info then I'd be happy to help
















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Regular User
Researching 'bomb shelters'? Discovered 'ROCs'?

The Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Posts are fairly well documented by Subterranea Britannica and I would think they'd be happy to have copies of photos of posts that they haven't recorded (as well as updates on conditions for any)

As you don't want exact positions this might help.



28DL Member
28DL Member
Researching 'bomb shelters'? Discovered 'ROCs'?

The Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Posts are fairly well documented by Subterranea Britannica and I would think they'd be happy to have copies of photos of posts that they haven't recorded (as well as updates on conditions for any)

As you don't want exact positions this might help.

Doesn't exactly meet the expectations I had, although I thank you for showing interest. What I really wanted was someone to maybe help with a location known to be open and of particular interest. Rather than me going around 1300 posts finding out for myself


Keep it real
28DL Full Member
@Urben_x dont take this the wrong way, i am a new member myself, but as new members people aren't going to disclose info and sites to us. put up a few reports and gain some recognition within the community and people will probably be abit forthcoming with info, dont have to take my word for it but just a tip as seen quite a few new members ripped for asked for places to explore, all the best - haych


28DL Member
28DL Member
@Urben_x dont take this the wrong way, i am a new member myself, but as new members people aren't going to disclose info and sites to us. put up a few reports and gain some recognition within the community and people will probably be abit forthcoming with info, dont have to take my word for it but just a tip as seen quite a few new members ripped for asked for places to explore, all the best - haych
And yet your commenting on one of my reports where I openly tell everyone info on 4x ROC posts, but I can't expect someone else to maybe say 'coads green is open and in fine condition'? I stated I was happy to do the research to find the post. Just a name and a brief description of the condition is all I need to save maybe a 100 mile round trip.

I don't think I'm asking a great deal to be honest


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Doesn't exactly meet the expectations I had, although I thank you for showing interest. What I really wanted was someone to maybe help with a location known to be open and of particular interest. Rather than me going around 1300 posts finding out for myself

That’s the joy of exploring rather than tourbussing.

The sub Brit site lists all Roc posts stating which are open/sealed/destroyed..........that’s the best place to find if a potential target is even there.

or type Roc posts into here or look at the Roc post sub forum to see which posts have been reported on recently

The only Roc posts that are in fine condition these days are one that have been restored or ones that are fairly inaccessible up in the highlands

here are some restored posts that open up occasionally

Kilkhampton ROC

28DL Member
28DL Member
Regrettably, we felt we had to block the entrance to Kilkhampton ROC. I first opened it, some 20+ years ago. After increasing visiting and abuse, including people consistently leaving the lid open, we sealed it with the concrete pictured.

I say this is regrettable as I've enjoyed looking at it and other similar sites myself so is a shame not to be able to share it.

The concrete cap is too heavy to remove manually without risk of serious injury. Please don't try. The nearest hospital is over an hour away. If you're that desperate, please get in touch.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Researching 'bomb shelters'? Discovered 'ROCs'?

The Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Posts are fairly well documented by Subterranea Britannica and I would think they'd be happy to have copies of photos of posts that they haven't recorded (as well as updates on conditions for any)

As you don't want exact positions this might help.

Just a few for you to get to grips with I would say,
If theses could be secured then that would be fantastic to preserve our past, as most countries like Germany are disposing of bunkers as there in denial of when on in WW2

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