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Report - - Paris Catacombs - 24th / 26th March 2007 | European and International Sites |

Report - Paris Catacombs - 24th / 26th March 2007

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Visited with Riddlers and Paulo.

Day 1.

After arriving in Paris, stocked up on supplies and had some food, and then headed off to find the entry point for an underground party. Found that OK, but on inspection realised that we would probably die in the process, not having suitable equipment. A bit of hanging around on street corners waiting for other cataphiles was fruitless, so we made our way into the GRS network using the normal access.

Met up with quite a few regulars in Bysance, some beers were consumed and stories swapped, then we headed off to Ansluz with a Frenchman in tow to get our heads down for the night.

Luckily we had the room to ourselves, so we practised putting the hammocks up, under the instruction of Paulo. Definitely the way forward, very compact and very light compared with anything else.

After a while, loads of people were passing through, a proper little social scene going on. Then the police visited, I slept through that, so can't comment really.

Day 2.

Woke up a bit chilly in the early hours, got the foil blanket out which did the job, eventually we woke up quite late, about 9 am. We were then joined by a guy we had met the previous evening. All kitted out in caving gear, he looked quite like us really. He set up his bed while we were cooking a meal to see us through the day.


The aim of this day was to explore the north-west of the network. We saw loads of new rooms, GYM room was notable, we had dinner here.

Paulo and Ridds...


Well, we didn't get as far around the NW as we wanted, due to Paulo and Ridds picking up injuries, so we had to get out. And there was one way to do this, straight up a ladder and out of a manhole, in broad daylight.

I climbed up the ladder and popped the cover, realised it weighed a ton and shouted the other guys up. Between me and Ridds we opened the manhole, saying 'bonjour' to the passers-by who were looking at the mad Englishmen with some amazement. Manhole closed and take cover.

Well, we had a good explore and a remarkable exit, only one thing to do.... trois grande biere barman !! ...and from that point it got messy as usual. I couldn't be arsed going back underground so I went off to get us a room at the local el cheapo Etap. Met the guys, had more beer, Ridds had a raw horse-burger and fell asleep. Then back to the room, to bed, for an early start the next day.

Day 3.

The first thing that happened is the snooze got hit about 3 times, it was 6.30 am. We got down to breakfast and got dicked about by some fuckwit, so went to McDs instead, which was actually a very good mixed breakfast for 5 euros. Then using another usual way in, went underground to explore the SW of the network.

Paulo at Rue Sarratte...


Saw the Ghost room, then the Post Office room...


headed South past the The Jellyfish, had a nose around the Montsouris reservoirs area and down to the Montsouris maze. Quite interesting, and some great architecture. Had a break in the BDM room, and a nose around the area, where we found the Bong room, another room, and I went for a poke around a lower level, under Montsouris Lake...



Anyway, time was running out, we made our exit, and made our way back to Gare du Nord for a wash and change of clothes, then the Eurostar back home.

A very good well focussed trip, thanks guys.

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