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Report - - Portland Victorian tunnel, Portland Dorset, Oct 2016 | Underground Sites |

Report - Portland Victorian tunnel, Portland Dorset, Oct 2016

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So I have not posted on here before but have been a long, long time lurker and to be honest not posted for quite a few years on any forum although been an active explorer.

I had seen this little local gem pop up online quite a while back now and expected the explorer pictures to come flooding in but to my surprise nothing!

So roll back a year or so ago and I was speaking to another local explorer who was quite new to the scene but very keen to say the least. We had met up and done all the local easy explores and then headed up Wiltshire way to do a few of the quarrys and then we got talking about the victorian tunnel on Portland that we had both seen on the "Uraban Explores" website.This seemed to be one of the Place's on Portland that had'nt been done to death!

We both compared notes although we didnt seem to have much to go on and even after hours of online seacrhing for the obvoius nothing popped up. We then decided the only way to find this place was to use the clues in the report and get off our sorry arses and get hunting!

After quite a few trips to Portland with not a sausage to report we decided this was going to be a case of not finding where this place was but to try and tick off where it wasn't!

As I mentioned before I could'nt find any history on this place or any other information apart from that reported on the first post.

So with many hours of what seemed endless routes and reading about drain pipes, sewers etc that lead us to nothing we finally found the gold!

I did post a few pictures up on the faceache page and OT asked me to do a report, I did say thanks but I'm to lazy and with my steam driven pc I would have to take a week out to manage it.

So Mrs is out for the evening and I have stole her lappy!

I hope you enjoy, sorry if pics are wrong size but it was a struggle to get this far, any constructive criticism welcomed!









Thanks for looking!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ha you took your time ! Thanks for posting it.

I'd really like to see this sometime actually.

Cheers fella! I finally got around to it... Took me a few hours as not posted anything on a forum since about 2010 sadly but got there in the end!

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
Good stuff! Saw this a few months back on the other website you referred to and thought to myself that's worthwhile - unfortunately I live a bit too far away to simply drive there and speculatively hunt the ground - so a big thumbs up from me


28DL Full Member
Bloody nice - good work tracking it down :thumb

Very odd tunnel - is it blocked off at the bottom?


The shadow
28DL Full Member
I'd really like to see this sometime actually.[/QUOTE]
Bit harder now mate after that dick Neil ansell posted the video showing entry and exit and leaving the entry wide open !


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Iv looked for this a few times i can't work out the entrance. But iv sat above the tunnel in a cave looking down into the tunnel when you see a man-made wall in a cave and the smell of sewage you can't not be intrigued to look haha. but due to how small the squeeze is and beams dont look to good so a no go. After spending many hours wondering around still no closer to finding it. I enjoy exploring portland I still feel like there's much to find tunnels and bunkers unexplored forgotten over time.

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
@Urbex-cavers I was going to say it is simple enough to find if you look at the Ansell YouTube video and take note of the uniforms of people who meet that twat as he emerges from the top entrance but the video no longer seems to be available. I think what I have written already is enough of a clue :p


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've not been since this report was made but not long after the bell end Ansell got in and posted all access for the world to see I'm pretty sure it got locked tight.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've not been since this report was made but not long after the bell end Ansell got in and posted all access for the world to see I'm pretty sure it got locked tight.

Iv been looking again today im going back tomorrow as I may have worked it out and I could be wrong only one way to find out .

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